Feeling Alone, Despite Being Surrounded By People

Human beings are social, that is why interaction and socialization with other people is so important. However, feeling alone when we are in an environment full of people can sometimes frustrate us.

Some of the reasons that we can find in the fact of feeling alone may have to do with the lack of social skills that we have or, sometimes, with the fact of not knowing how to choose the people with whom we surround ourselves.

Feeling alone after having isolated ourselves

feel alone

There are times in our life when we may feel compelled to isolate ourselves, either voluntarily or involuntarily. For example, after a serious accident, we may have to spend months at home to recover. This can isolate us from others.

However, there are other reasons that can lead to isolation. Depression or social anxiety may be some of the reasons. The problem arises when we recover. In the first case, the accident; in the second, of the depression or anxiety suffered.

It is then that we throw ourselves back into the world, but panic takes hold of us because we begin to feel alone even when in company. We go to parties where we think we don’t fit in and we can’t enjoy ourselves. As much as we are surrounded by people, this is no different from being alone.

The question we should ask ourselves is: how are we acting in this situation? The normal thing would be for us to interact, to speak fluently … What is really going wrong? Maybe something happened. We have lost part of our social skills.

Social skills have to be worked on

friends-having fun

Feeling lonely can be the result of having lost part of our social skills in order to interact and socialize with other people. As a consequence, insecurity and shame invade us.

There are many people who also feel alone in the company of others because they have not been able to adequately develop the social skills required to interact with others.

Others, on the other hand, have low self-esteem that causes insecurity and shame to become insurmountable barriers that they believe they cannot in any way break down.

However, all this has a solution. Social skills, as they are acquired, can be lost, but also recovered. Despite the fact that exposing ourselves to a social environment can make us feel misplaced, with great discomfort and a great desire to flee, the ideal is that we face our fear.

Socializing with others again can help us regain social skills lost as a result of isolation and even face those unfounded fears that make us feel inferior and invalid when communicating with others.

Feeling alone when we are with other people in these cases has only one solution: to force these situations and face them with courage.

What kind of people are you surrounding yourself with?

Talk to a friend

If none of the above is the reason why we feel alone even in an environment full of people, we need to analyze our surroundings.

We may not have realized it, but feeling alone has a reason and it is that they ignore us, they are trying to humiliate us, “make a vacuum” or manipulate us in some way.

There are many toxic people who camouflage themselves under barely noticeable masks and who make us fall into their nets with ease.

However, it can also happen that the people around you have nothing to do with us. In this case, it is normal to feel alone, since our interactions will not be fruitful.

We always have to choose people with whom we have affinity, facility to speak and with whom we can share experiences, thoughts and build a certain trust.

Feeling alone is something we can change. We just have to observe and analyze what is happening. Once we know it, let’s get down to work to fix it.

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