Why Is It Good Not To Make The Bed In The Morning?

To eliminate mites, we must leave the bed unmade, ventilate the room and let the fresh air and the sun help us carry out this task. So is making the bed good or bad for your health?

Making bed is one of the activities that most people do every morning. We usually do it after having aired the room or when we return from work, if we have not had time before.

Likewise, it is common to consider that this activity is essential for the house to be organized. However, a study published in 2006 in the Experimental & Applied Acarology  and conducted by scientists at Kingston University claimed that making the bed is counterproductive. This research claims that it could even have negative health effects. Is this true?

Is it good to make the bed in the morning?

Make the bed

The researchers revealed that perfectly fitting the sheets makes a perfect spot for the mites. Specifically, they point out that when we make the bed we are covering the mites that inhabit the sheets; in this way, it contributes to increasing their life expectancy and their reproduction.

It turns out that, although we cannot perceive it, the sheets and bedspreads have humidity and heat, which is generated due to the sweat that each person produces when they sleep. According to the Kingston University study we cited previously, this moisture makes a perfect home for mites.

In such an environment, these microorganisms can spread easily and live for a long time without the human who rests there every night even realizing it.

Although there are millions of mites in every bed every day and they do not pose a serious threat to many people, they can cause allergic reactions in some individuals. Likewise, the exposure to suffer from asthma, eczema or dermatitis, chronic hay fever, different respiratory allergies and even insomnia is increased.

How to maintain a good cleaning and fight mites

Stephen Pretlove, one of the members of the team of scientists who published the study, said in a publication that it is best to combat them by avoiding making the bed so early.

Mites can be killed with fresh air and sun exposure. Therefore, the ideal is to leave the sheets unattended and open the bedroom window.

Pretlove also revealed that many insects and pests can be removed with different cleaning products and using a vacuum cleaner. However, this is often not possible with mites, as they are very resistant to those methods.

Given this, the expert recommended frequently ventilating the room, washing sheets and bedspreads regularly and, above all, exposing them to the sun.

Hygiene in the resting place

Interestingly, a study published by North Carolina State University affirms that there are more particles from the skin, mouth and even fecal matter in human beds than in a chimpanzee nest, beyond the habitat of the animals have more diversity of microorganisms present.

What does this statement imply? First, it exposes the nature of the environment in which we humans live; it is impossible to have a pristine home. No matter how hard you try, the mere presence of one person is enough for there to be millions of microbes in the air and on surfaces.

Beyond this, we must not ignore the basic measures to sanitize the house and make it a place less prone to the proliferation of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms. Some keys that are detailed in this Mayo Clinic medical publication are:

  • For chronic allergies, cover bedding with dust mite covers and replace wool or feather materials with synthetics.
  • Wash sheets weekly with hot water.
  • In the bedroom, keep the floor and furniture clean.
  • Do not forget to regularly clean the curtains, which also tend to accumulate dust and particles that can cause allergies.
  • As for pets, the ideal is to keep them away from the bedroom.
  • All accumulated elements in the room collect dust and microbes. Therefore, it is advisable to order daily.

Making the bed: a habit to give up?

To conclude, Pretlove pointed out that these findings may be key in the prevention of allergic diseases. If you are one of those who do not usually make bed early, you already have a good ‘excuse’ to continue like this.

Instead, those who do it frequently, especially minutes after getting up, should begin to consider these recommendations. In this way, they will help prevent the spread and life expectancy of mites, in order to prevent the aforementioned diseases.

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