5 Essential Oils To Repair And Soften Your Skin

When choosing essential oils we must make sure that they are organic and not synthetic essences, since the latter lack benefits.

During sigl Essential oils  have been used for various purposes, especially in the field of health and beauty. Today, this continues, although with notable improvements thanks to scientific research carried out in relation to nutritional value, interaction, and so on.

The therapeutic use of essential oils is very widespread, however, it should always be done in agreement with the dermatologist. Likewise, it must be taken into account that each type of skin requires a certain essential oil; therefore, it is not possible to resort to anyone or in any dose. 

Essential oils for skin care

Below we will tell you which essential oils are most used to care for or repair and soften the skin.

1. Tea tree essential oil

Along with essential oil of rosemary rosemary and basil, one of the most valued (and famous) oils when it comes to treating acne is tea tree essential oil. This is due  to its antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. 

It also works to treat dryness, redness, eczema, itching, and inflammation. However, many researchers are studying its possible use in cases of psoriasis.

Tea tree oil for hair loss

2. Myrrh essential oil

Myrrh essential oil is native to the Mediterranean countries. It is rich in antioxidants that help nourish the skin while fighting the action of free radicals. Therefore, ay Helps prevent premature aging. It also stands out for its anti-inflammatory properties.

It can be used as a supplement to lotions and creams to relieve skin infections and help heal superficial wounds. 

3. Lavender essential oil


Lavender essential oil is commonly known for its pleasant aroma and relaxing effect. However, when it comes to its topical use, the truth is that, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties, it  also works to treat acne.

4. Geranium essential oil

The third of the essential oils has been widely used to treat burns, given its healing and regenerative properties. In addition,  It is anti-inflammatory and antiseptic, thereby helping to treat acne and reduce breakouts. It can also be used in cases of: dermatitis, eczema, razor cuts or even wrinkles.

5. Eucalyptus essential oil

Epsom salts and eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus is native to Australia and its essential oil has been used for a myriad of things, from protecting teeth against cavities to fighting scars. It stands out among essential oils thanks to its antibacterial properties and  antiseptic, ideal for treating acne.

On the other hand, the astringent properties of eucalyptus oil help control excess oil, both on the scalp and on the skin.

  • Applying a few drops to oily hair once a week will control excess oil, without damaging the scalp or drying out the strands. 
  • In addition, if it is applied with a gentle massage, it will promote circulation, both of the scalp and the rest of the body.

Some considerations

  • No essential oil should be applied directly to the skin.
  • Many essential oils must be diluted in what are known as: ‘carrier oils’ in order to be used safely.
  • Under no circumstances should the oil be applied to the lips or around the eyes. And in case of accidental contact, it is important to wash immediately with plenty of water and, if necessary, neutral soap.
  • Consult with your dermatologist before proceeding to use an essential oil. The professional will be able to advise you which may be the best option for you, depending on your skin type.

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