Sucralose: Is It A Healthy Sweetener?

Sucralose, like the rest of sweeteners, are usually in the spotlight, since it is questioned whether they are healthy or not for health. More and more products are found that have sucralose to replace sugar and we think that this food will be healthier; But it is truly like that?

Artificial sweeteners have gained weight in recent years. However, certain precautions must be taken regarding its consumption, since sometimes the effects they cause in the long term are not clear.

What is sucralose?

Sucralose (E955) is a non-nutritive artificial sweetener, 600 times sweeter than sucrose or white sugar. It was approved by the FDA in 1999 for use in foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals, diets, and vitamin supplements.

It was discovered by chance in 1976 by a chemistry student at a London university. It occurred to him to test a compound obtained by replacing three hydrogen-oxygen groups on the sucrose molecule with three chlorine atoms.

The main advantage of sucralose is that very low doses are required to achieve the sweet effect. In addition, it provides practically no calories, since most of it is not metabolized, but is expelled through feces. Only a small part is absorbed through the intestines, but it is expelled in the urine, minus 20-30%, which is metabolized.


It is not carcinogenic

Several studies were published in which it was said that sucralose, when heated to high temperatures, could produce toxic effects. It was claimed that when heated above 120 ÂșC, sucralose decomposed and interacted with fatty compounds, generating harmful agents called chloropropanols, which increase the risk of cancer.

However, recent studies have confirmed that this is false and that sucralose does not have carcinogenic effects and is safe for consumption. The FDA has established a dose of 500 mg / kg per body weight / day as safe.

Does sucralose make you fat?

As we have said, it is a caloric sweetener, which is practically expelled from the body in its entirety. However, it is not associated with weight loss, why does this occur?

A study published in Obesity observed a relationship between the consumption of artificial sweeteners and an increase in body weight. This can be due to different causes:

  • A sweetener does not satiate. In a study in which 12 healthy women were taken, they had MRI scans while testing small doses of sucrose and sucralose. They found that while sucrose stimulates zones of dopaminergic activity, sucralose does not.
  • The neuronal-hormonal response that generates the sweet taste can be altered. Therefore, more insulin is secreted by the pancreas, which could lead to physiological imbalances.

natural sweeteners

Does it alter the gut microbiota?

In recent years, the effect that sweeteners have on the intestinal microbiota has been studied in depth, since they could modify beneficial bacteria for more harmful bacteria.

In a study published in the Journal of Toxicology and Enviromental Health,  in which they experimented with mice, a relationship was found between the consumption of sucralose and a reduction in bifidobacteria, microorganisms that are key in intestinal bacterial stability.

Meanwhile, sucralose has also been seen to trigger glucose intolerance, a typical symptom of prediabetic people.

Keep in mind that these studies are done in mice. In humans, it is not clearly demonstrated that sweeteners affect the microbiota, but it is known that the intestinal flora of obese people is different from that of people with a healthy weight. In any case, the latest articles suggest that there could be a relationship between the reduction of the biodiversity of the microbiota and the regular intake of sweeteners.

Sucralose, a controversial sweetener

Sucralose is a safe sweetener, although many questions have been raised about it. Even so, it is advisable not to abuse sucralose, or any other sweetener, since the effects that they can produce on our long-term health are not clear.

Above all, it must be clear that it is not a good alternative to lose weight. The best option to sweeten your food is with natural sweeteners, such as fruit, dried fruit, or spices such as cinnamon.

Remember also that reducing the consumption of simple sugar is essential to improve health. This ingredient is capable of increasing insulin resistance and promoting the appearance of metabolic pathologies that can condition the lifestyle of those who suffer them.

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