16 Uses Of Onion

Consuming onion provides the body with a good dose of magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, vitamin C and E, sodium, sulfur, and potassium. However, for some time, the uses of onion go beyond the kitchen. Did we discover them?

Multiple uses of onion

Here is a review of the main uses of onion in Ayurvedic medicine. It is worth noting that many of these applications do not have scientific endorsement.

1. Cough syrup

This is one of the best-known uses of onion among those with young children, as it is a remedy recommended by alternative medicine to relieve coughs. However, we have not found scientific evidence to support such use, although we have found a study that indicates the antibiotic properties of onion.

  • Pour a cup of cola into a skillet.
  • Add a chopped bulb.
  • Let it boil for several minutes and then pass through the strainer.
  • Let it cool down and take small sips throughout the day.
  • It can also be made with milk.

2. Insomnia

uses of onion: insomnia

The ancient Bolivian peoples used the onion to combat insomnia. Although there is no proof in this regard, by trying you do not lose anything! Before you go to sleep, chop up a fresh bulb and put it on a plate in your room. Also prepare a plate of onion salad with oil, lemon, and a little salt and eat it during dinner.

3. Hair care

Also in this case we have not been able to corroborate the efficiency of onion in hair care, although old studies indicate that it could help improve hair growth in case of alopecia areata. We recommend that you consult a specialist to treat these problems.

To combat hair loss:

  • Rub half a bulb on the scalp.
  • Mix onion juice with lemon juice and massage from root to tip.

For thick hair

  • Chop half a bulb and mix it with a 1 tablespoon of honey, massage the scalp with the mixture and leave it to act for a while.
  • Chop an onion into very small pieces and add it to your regular shampoo. Leave it stored for 15 days to ferment and be ready to use.

4. Joint pains

uses of onion: joint pain

An animal study found that onion juice would help reduce pain due to its anti-inflammatory effect. Make onion juice and apply hot cloths on the affected areas. This remedy is also used to treat headaches and migraines.

5. Cystitis

Due to its antibacterial effects, onion is commonly used in Ayurvedic medicine to relieve the symptoms of cystitis.

  • Boil a bulb in half a liter of water.
  • Then, pass it through the strainer and let it cool.

6. Bronchitis

Some specialists in alternative medicine suggest that thanks to its antibiotic, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, onion would be beneficial in relieving bronchitis. For it:

  • Mix the juice of 1 onion with 2 minced garlic and the juice of 7 lemons.
  • Let it sit for two hours.
  • You can use it as a salad dressing or drink it.

7. Rheumatic pain

The Arthritis Foundation notes that onion may help improve pain caused by rheumatism and arthritis. To achieve this, you should apply onion juice in hot cloths on the affected parts with a gentle massage.

8. Boils

The antibacterial activity of onion is supposed to help fight boils.

  • Boil an onion.
  • Part it and apply it hot on the boils.

9. Insect bites

uses of onion: against insect bites

Rub the affected area with the green stalk of the onion to shrink it and help minimize inflammation.

10. Blood circulation

Alternative medicine suggests that the recipe we share with you below could help improve blood circulation.

  • Grate ½ kilo of onions.
  • Pour it into a bowl with half a liter of dry wine.
  • Take it every day on an empty stomach.

11. Nosebleeds

We have not found data to support this use. For this reason, we recommend consulting with a doctor before carrying out this home remedy.

  • Cut half a fresh, raw onion.
  • Put it on the nose to reduce the bleeding.

12. Menstrual cramps

Precisely due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it is considered that the onion would help alleviate the annoying symptoms of PMS.

  • Boil a large onion in 1 liter of milk for 15 minutes.
  • Let it sit and drink constantly.

13. Spots on the face

uses of onion: remove blemishes on the face

Different people argue that the use of onion topically would help reduce blemishes on the face. There are no studies on this.

  • Soak the bulb in vinegar for 5-6 days.
  • Apply this liquid on the spots as a lotion.

14. Fatigue

Popular folklore attributes energizing properties to onion. For this reason, it is usually advisable to eat it roasted on an empty stomach and before going to sleep.

15. Earthworms

Due to its antibacterial functions, it is believed that the consumption of an onion syrup could help eliminate worms from the body.

  • Cut a large bulb into chunks.
  • Let them soak in a cup of water overnight.
  • The next day drink the liquid on an empty stomach.

16. Ringing and pain in the ears

onion helps mitigate hums

Perhaps you have ever been recommended to soak a cotton ball in onion juice and place it over your ears so that its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect helps you fight pain. However, we recommend that you do not perform this maneuver. If you suffer from earache, please see your doctor.

As you can see, the onion is attributed endless uses, however many do not have scientific studies that indicate its possible effectiveness. Check with your doctor before trying these home remedies.

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