3 Gift Boxes That You Can Make At Home

Gift boxes have become one of the trends when it comes to offering a detail to someone special. Although bags and other packaging are still in use, many are drawn to the presentation this alternative provides. Would you like to learn how to make them at home?

Although in the market they are available in different designs and sizes, there are some ideas to make them at home in a more personalized way. They even make it possible to take advantage of recyclable materials that tend to accumulate in the home. Find out how to do them.

Gift boxes: 3 ideas that you will like

To make beautiful gift boxes you just need to put your creativity to the test. Although some designs are more tedious than others, in general they are easy and do not require too many materials. The most interesting thing is that we can add our own details that commercial boxes will not have.

In addition, this saves money, since many materials are at home and can be recycled. Does it catch your attention? If so, do not stop trying to do the 3 interesting options that we share below.

1. Tetrabrik shaped gift boxes 

Gift box

The tetrabrik-  shaped gift boxes  have a very attractive design, similar to the milk boxes in children’s lunch boxes. In fact, if it is a small gift, the latter can be washed well to execute this idea. Follow the steps!


  • Scrapbooking paper (similar to cardstock but double-sided)
  • Rule
  • Pair of scissors
  • Pencil
  • Awl
  • Glue


  • To start, measure and cut the scrapbook paper  as follows: 12 squares, divided into four columns of three rows. Their size may vary according to your preferences or needs.
  • Next, mark the dashed lines with the punch and fold them.
  • Glue the flap on one side with glue and let it dry.
  • Next, glue the four bottom sides that are loose, until you shape the box.
  • Then, take the top sides and press them a bit so that they form the shape of a milk carton.
  • Fold the top edges and, if desired, pin them down.
  • To finish, you only have to decorate to your liking.

2. Gift boxes with plastic bottles

Gift boxes with plastic bottles

Gift boxes can not only be made from cardboard materials. If you want to take advantage of this craft to recycle materials that you have at home, do not hesitate to make these boxes with plastic bottles. This material is easy to handle and can be decorated in multiple ways.


  • Cylindrical plastic bottle
  • Corrugated cardboard
  • Pair of scissors
  • Glue gun
  • Headband
  • Rope, ribbon and decorative elements
  • Iron


  • First, take the cylindrical plastic bottle and cut it at the smooth part (leaving the bottom and the spout).
  • Next, to soften the edges, heat the iron to medium-high heat and rub gently.
  • Next, take the corrugated paper to make the box lids. Mark the two edges of the bottle with a pencil and cut them out.
  • Next, cut a strip two centimeters wide and use the glue gun to glue it around the two circles.
  • To glue the bottom of the box, apply a lot of silicone to one of the lids on its inner edges.
  • Use the other lid to close the gift box.
  • Finally, use the decorative elements to personalize it.

3. Gift boxes with cardboard

Cardboard gift boxes

The most used material when making gift boxes is cardboard. Due to its strength and shape, it is one of the best options. In addition, it also offers the possibility of adding different accessories. It is even valid to use recycled cardboard boxes.


  • Empty cardboard box
  • Gift wrap or Kraft paper
  • Glue
  • Pair of scissors
  • Decorative tape


  • Take the empty cardboard box apart and lay it flat.
  • Next, spray glue all over the outside, making sure that a very thin layer remains.
  • Immediately place the Kraft  paper or regale paper on the surface, using light pressure so that the paper adheres well.
  • Let it dry and trim the leftovers.
  • Flip the box over, fold any necessary edges, and put it back together.
  • To finish this craft, take ribbons and decorative elements and use them to your liking.

Have you already tried making them at home? As you see it, it is simple and fun. Choose the one you like the most and stop spending on expensive packaging when you want to make a nice detail.

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