12 Ways To Use Aluminum Foil That You Did Not Know

Aluminum foil is a product that we find in millions of kitchens around the world. Indeed, there are many uses that can be given to it and it is perfect for preserving food .

It is likely that at home you have a roll of this paper stored and you only use it to wrap food. If this is your case, it may be that for a long time you have been giving a single use to a product that can be very useful in other household tasks.

Before knowing 12 ways Other than using aluminum foil, we want to resolve some common concerns about the use of this product.

A little about aluminum

Aluminum has been used since the time of the Egyptians and Babylonians in vegetable dyes and for medicinal purposes.   However, the separation of its alloys was very expensive, and for this reason it was considered a precious metal.

This element is found in nature. In fact, aluminum compounds make up 8% of the earth’s crust.

Can aluminum foil be used on both sides?

If we look at the aluminum foil, we notice that it has a shiny side and a matte side. Many wonder which side to use …

The manufacturers explain that both sides of the paper have the same function. However, this is not the case if what we want is to use it with food.

For example, if it is going to be used to put in the oven, it must be taken into account that the glossy side of the paper is the one that absorbs the most heat, because the light is reflected more. Therefore, it  is convenient that when cooking the glossy part remains inside and dulls it outside.

Is it dangerous to use aluminum foil?

Uses of aluminum foil

Studies conducted by the United States Food and Drug Administration, the United Kingdom Food Standards Agency and the EU Food Safety Agency, ensure that the use of aluminum foil in the kitchen does not represent a health hazard.

Uses of aluminum foil

The aluminum foil is used to preserve the bread.

In addition to keeping food fresh or helping it cook better, this paper could be very useful for other activities around the house.

To keep in the best condition

  • For the sugar. Simply wrap the sugar in aluminum foil and take it to the oven for 5 minutes at 150º C. Finally, you will have the sugar in its normal state.
  • Keep any bakery food  fresh before consuming it. To do this, wrap it in foil after baking.
  • But, also, if you use bar soap, wrap it in the paper to keep it longer and prevent it from spilling.
  • Grease stains in the oven? C udder the oven before using this paper, you will avoid those pesky stains. You can do the same with stove fires that you don’t use, to avoid staining while you cook.

    To clean

    • Did your cutlery lose shine?  Cover the bottom of a saucepan with aluminum foil, mix water with salt. Soak the cutlery for 3 minutes and rub it with a cotton cloth.
    • Clean and polish jewelry.  Line the bottom of a pot with aluminum foil and add a little washing-up liquid. There you must submerge the jewels. Then wash them and let them dry.
    • Clean the iron.  Just rub a sheet of aluminum foil a couple of times.
    • To leave your pots as new.  Make a ball of aluminum foil and scrub them when you wash them.
    • Clean your iron and leave it as new.  Place a sheet of aluminum foil on the ironing board, add salt to it and move the iron as if you were ironing.

    Other uses

    • Do you want to make ironing easier?  Cover the surface with a sheet of aluminum foil and then cover it with a cloth. As a result, you can iron on both sides at the same time.
    • Sharpen  your scissors. Fold a sheet of aluminum foil in several parts and cut several times. Your scissors will be very sharp.
    • Place pieces of aluminum foil in the plant pots to prevent insects from damaging them.

    It should be noted that aluminum is currently being used to manufacture solar panels. This is due to its property of absorbing solar radiation and transforming it into thermal energy.

    Now you know other uses that you can give to that roll of aluminum foil that you keep in the kitchen. Now, put them into practice!

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