Naturally Combat Oily Skin

Prioritize the consumption of natural and homemade products. The mud mask helps tighten pores and remove dead cells while removing oil from the skin. Citrus fruits, especially lemon, will help you rejuvenate and revitalize your skin.

The oil on your skin is good for maintaining your health, but if your body starts to produce too much, then problems like acne and skin blemishes will result. In addition to the fact that oily skin is not comfortable or aesthetic.

At present, it is known that genetics can be one of the main causes of oily skin, as well as changes in hormone levels.

In women, pregnancy, menopause, some contraceptive pills, stress, and little use of daily care products can cause oily skin .

Remedies for oily skin:

Mud mask

The mud is very useful to reduce the oil in the skin. These masks help tighten pores and remove dead cells while removing oil from the skin and restoring its vitality.

How do you do it?

  • Take 3 large tablespoons of soil and add water to make a fine paste.
  • Apply this mud paste on your face and leave it like that for 20 minutes.
  • When finished, rinse your face gently with water.
  • Continue with this remedy regularly, at least once a week.



Vinegar is another of the products you can count on to reduce the oil on your skin . This is an element that works as a natural exfoliator and will help you maintain the health of your skin. It also helps maintain the hormonal balance of your body so that your skin does not continue to be so oily.

How does it apply?

  • Take some vinegar and cotton.
  • Dip the cotton ball in the vinegar solution and apply it to your skin before going to sleep.
  • Leave it on your face for about 5-10 minutes and then wash it off with fresh water.
  • Repeat this for three weeks to see the results.

    When it’s hot, you can freeze the vinegar and apply it to your face in the form of ice cubes. Not only will it refresh you, but it will help you get rid of excess oil from your skin.

    Lemon juice


    Citrus fruits, especially lemon, are very good for treating oily skin. If you use them, you can rejuvenate and revitalize your skin.

    How does it apply?

    • Cut a lemon and squeeze it to extract its juice.
    • Add a similar amount of water and mix well.
    • Apply this on your face and leave it for a few minutes until it dries.
    • When it dries, rinse your face with lukewarm water, followed by colder water.
    • This will help you refresh your face and remove excess oil.
    • You can also add a similar amount of lemon and cucumber juice. Mix it well and apply it on your face for a few minutes before taking a shower.

    Other tips to reduce skin oil

    Oily skin

    The oilier the skin, the dirtier it appears . That is why it is important that you keep it clean and fresh and wash your face at least twice a day.

    • Buy and use glycerin soaps.
    • Apply aloe vera on your face to absorb excess oil and clean the pores of your skin.
    • Do not apply very moisturizing products.
    • If your hair is also oily, it is advisable to keep it away from your face.
    • Don’t touch your face with your hands. At least not too much.
    • Rinse your makeup instruments at least once a week.
    • Use water-based cosmetics to prevent makeup build-up on your skin, making you vulnerable to problems like acne and pimples.
    • Drink enough water throughout the day so that your skin is constantly refreshed and rejuvenated.
    • Include fresh fruits and vegetables in your diet so you can detoxify your body.
    • Prioritize the consumption of foods rich in enzymes such as pineapple, milk or pumpkin, which are very useful to dissolve fat and remove dirt from the skin.

    Other highly recommended fruits are papaya and water melon, as they are very beneficial both when applied directly to the skin and when eaten raw.

    One final tip

    Avoid consuming artificial perfumes, dyes, synthetic chemicals, and other mineral oils so that you can control the oil levels on your skin. Prioritize the consumption of natural and homemade products. Follow these tips and you will notice big changes in your skin without having to experience unpleasant side effects.

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