The Importance Of Opening Your Mind To The World Around Us

Did you know that traveling forces you to open your mind to the world to adapt to new situations? In this way we get to bring out our true selves and live a fuller life.

Opening the mind to the world means learning to travel in and out of ourselves. The mind has a gigantic power, which most of the time is not used. The way to activate it is by breaking with the habit.

In this sense, what is in thought is what determines how we feel and act. Therefore, if there are negative ideas, the attitude will turn negative as well.

In the end, this will be reflected in the actions or in the impossibility of carrying them out. And so the whole cycle begins again. For example, bad results lead to destructive thoughts. In this way, it becomes a vicious cycle.

People don’t realize that negative thinking becomes habit. This leads to stagnation. And that’s when efforts should be made to open the mind to the world and break these negative habits.

Open the mind to the inner world

Opening the mind to the inner world allows us to become aware of our thoughts and their effect

According to quantum physics, every thought that is sent out creates its own vibration. This vibration never disappears and leads to a harmony with all beings and all realities that vibrate at the same frequency.

  • The positive attracts the positive and the negative does the same.
  • The stronger and more persistent the thoughts, the more they determine that force of attraction, especially in very sensitive people.
  • Negative thoughts affect your metabolism. Anger, for example, causes a series of chemical reactions in the body. As a consequence, they end up generating toxic substances for the body.
  • The same thing happens outside. When something negative is expressed, this also ends up intoxicating others.

Then, by opening the mind to the inner world, one becomes aware of the thoughts and their effect.

In this sense, each negative idea that arises is a message that the brain transmits to the entire body. Through the nervous system, it reaches every cell in the body. What the organs receive is an alarm signal. A perception that something is wrong and that you need to be alert.

Now, the way to open the mind to the inner world is to do a permanent exercise of observation. Do not identify with the negative thought, but examine it. Try to understand it. Break it down.

In this way, the reason causes that thought to be diluted. Meditation is one way to achieve this.

Opening up to the outside world

Opening up to the outside world: traveling

Traveling is a way to break the stagnation of consciousness. In this case, the reverse process occurs.

A change in context leads to opening the mind, first to the outside world and then to the inside. Both aspects always go together. Therefore, a trip changes consciousness.

The most important thing is that a trip leads to a break with the usual routine. Many of the thoughts and feelings no longer serve in another context.

There is a kind of fortunate mismatch with customs. This causes many resources to be mobilized that may be dormant.

Also, travel forces a person to create new adaptations. The traveler has to observe, weigh, evaluate and act. This is a way to open your mind to the world.

All attention is focused on the reality that is out there, not on the thoughts in your mind.

The advantages of internal and external travel

Opening the mind is undoubtedly a path towards personal evolution

To open the mind to the inner world requires silence, concentration. This facilitates self-perception.

You become aware of your own thoughts. You learn to identify when they are negative and what effects they have. This ultimately translates into greater self-control.

It is as if the reins of a wild horse were recovered.

When opening the mind to the external world, a similar process occurs. Breaking out of the usual context brings out the true self.

On a trip, for example, self-knowledge is significantly increased. A person is exposed to new situations and solves them by making use of what is inside him. She even ends up surprising herself on many occasions.

Opening the mind to the internal or external world makes a person feel more free. Also more fulfilled and happy. Self-knowledge and self-control are tools to lead a fuller life.

However, the most important thing is that all this helps to banish fear and anger. Those two emotions are highly harmful and only lead to discomfort.

An open mind, on the other hand, is more serene. More willing to be surprised and find the positive in everything. It is, without a doubt, a path towards personal evolution.

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