How To Eliminate Snoring

There are many factors that can determine our snoring. If you want to end them, try to lose weight and stop bad habits like smoking, for example.

When you sleep with someone who snores next to you it is almost impossible to get a good rest. Also, it seems that nothing will make the other person reduce snoring. Now, what happens if you are the one who snores?

You may not perceive it, but your bed or roommate may suffer the consequences.

Learn how to help eliminate snoring naturally. Shall we start ?.

Deep dreaming, snoring and resting

These three activities are undoubtedly related. According to the Foundation for Research in Psychotherapy and Personality and its study published as Manual for Sleep Hygiene, deep sleep itself helps you repair cells, muscles, organs and even the skin.

If you get a good night’s sleep, you’ll feel refreshed in the morning. Therefore, sleeping well, according to this information from the Spanish Heart Foundation, is so important, since when the brain is rested and the production of hormones is balanced, memory works perfectly. That is, in simpler words and terms, while we sleep, the body rests and repairs itself.

In fact, there are many consequences that lack of sleep brings to our body. You are likely to get sick more often, your muscles ache, you suffer from migraines, and you can’t pay attention to anything you do. As shown in this study, published by the Spanish Sleep Society .

On the other hand, lack of sleep also has an aesthetic impact. For example, tired, oily skin, with lack of luminosity. Also, frizzy and damaged hair, etc.

One of the main reasons why a person may have trouble sleeping is hearing their partner snoring, or waking up on their own.

If your partner or roommate snores a lot, you don’t need to make drastic decisions like grab your pillow and sleep on the couch or buy ear plugs. You need to focus on the cause of the snoring in order to make it go away.

It is not necessary to get angry with anyone. The person who snores may not be aware that they are doing it and, of course, they do not do it thoroughly.

Some snoring is tender.  Others, not so much.

Remedies as natural alternatives for snoring

To achieve this, take a look at these tips, advice and home remedies for snoring:

Sleeping teas

Sage tea


  • 1 handful of sage leaves
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)

How to prepare it

  • First, heat the cup of water and boil the sage for 20 minutes.
  • Then, remove from the heat and let it infuse for a few minutes, covered.
  • Finally, strain and drink immediately.

This infusion will calm the nerves and relax the muscles. Therefore, you will sleep calmer and there will be less chance of snoring.

Onion tea


  • 1 onion
  • 1 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of brown sugar

How to prepare it

  • First, peel the onion and cut it into large chunks.
  • Then heat the water and infuse the onion pieces for 20 minutes.
  • Next, remove from heat and cover to infuse.
  • Finally, strain and pour in the brown sugar, stir well and drink two hours before going to sleep.


Good posture

Various investigations have shown that depending on the position we take at bedtime we will be more or less prone to snoring. Therefore, posture is very important.

  • Try not to sleep on your stomach so as not to put pressure on your lungs and heart.
  • In turn, it is good to rest on your back and with your head slightly elevated. You can put more than one cushion or raise the upper legs of the bed with any object. In this way, the unevenness will help make snoring not so easy.
  • For its part, sleeping on your side is the best alternative, as it does not promote snoring.

Better habits

Snoring is closely linked to our daily habits. For this reason,  obese or overweight people and those who smoke tend to be more prone to snoring.

If you lose at least 10% of your weight and if you try to quit (or reduce it), you will improve many aspects of your life, including the way you sleep.

tips to stop snoring

If, after trying to eliminate snoring naturally, it continues or makes it impossible for you to face the day, it is time to consult a specialist.

It will guide you ruling out other health problems and finding a pharmacological or even surgical solution.

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