7 Treatments Of Natural Origin To Alleviate Kidney Pain

To alleviate kidney pain it is very important that you consume fluids most of the day, as this will help in the elimination of toxins.

The kidneys are one of the most important organs in our body. They are a natural filter that cleans the blood of waste to eliminate it through the urine. If you have discomforts and problems to purify the kidneys, we show you 7 treatments of natural origin to relieve kidney pain.

Kidney pain

The kidneys allow the excretion of harmful substances through the urine. In turn, they help balance electrolytes and control blood pressure.

When kidney pain occurs, it is of great intensity and occurs in the lower back or sides. It can appear suddenly or stay in time and get worse over time.

This pain is quite uncomfortable and limits our daily activities. People who suffer from it recognize it as the most intense pain they have ever felt in their life.

In addition, it can be associated with other symptoms such as nausea and vomiting. Kidney pain in some people may be experienced along with fainting, cold sweats, and palpitations.

Among the signs that can accompany kidney pain we find:

  • Presence of blood in the urine.
  • Discomfort in the lower back.
  • Burning when urinating or abdominal tenderness accompanied by difficulty walking and standing upright.

The treatment of kidney pain will depend on the cause, so it is advisable to go to a specialist. He will perform the appropriate analyzes and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The grit in the kidneys is produced by the accumulation of minerals in the urinary tract such as phosphate and calcium carbonate salts or uric acid and makes it difficult to eliminate the urine.

While they are small, it is possible to eliminate them through some changes in routine habits, such as drinking fluids and avoiding foods rich in oxalates.

If large kidney stones form, the pain is more acute and surgical intervention is required to remove them, either through laser or surgery.

Here are 7 treatments of natural origin to prevent kidney pain.

7 remedies to relieve and prevent kidney pain

1. Natural water

Without sweeteners or other elements, it is essential to eliminate toxins from your body. The daily intake should be at least two liters, trying to drink a glass of cold water when getting up and another at bedtime.

  • There are vegetables and plants rich in this element such as apple, tomato, cucumber and melon.
  • So if you don’t like drinking water, choose to eat more salads and juices that are high in water.

2. Celery juice

It has antiseptic properties that allow the elimination of bacteria through the urine. It is quite an effective juice for those with recurrent urinary tract infections, kidney stones and for the elderly.

  • Although its flavor is quite strong, you can add lemon or mix it with other shakes to counteract the bitter taste.

3. Chamomile

Due to its anti-inflammatory properties it is used as an infusion.  Making compresses with it is an excellent pain reliever therapy.


  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of chamomile (30 g)


  • Boil the water and add the tablespoons of chamomile.
  • Then apply the compresses or rub the back with a cotton cloth soaked in the infusion. Hot water relaxes muscles and relieves pain.

4. The pomegranate

Both in seed and in juice it facilitates the dissolution and expulsion of kidney stones. A perfect and quite practical combination.

Pomegranate is equally effective for treating urinary tract infections. Its sweet taste and refreshing properties make it easy to digest.

5. Lemon juice

Water with lemon and flaxseed.

Due to its high content of acetic acid, it also helps to dissolve kidney stones.


  • The juice of 1 lemon
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • To take advantage of its benefits, just squeeze a lemon, add it to a glass of cold water and drink it as a daily natural drink in the morning.
  • It is a fairly simple and effective alternative for kidney pain relief.

6. Red beans

Its analgesic effects allow pain relief. A fairly simple and natural alternative for kidney pain relief.


  • 1 pod of red beans
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)


  • We can adapt the quantities to our needs if we want to prepare more.
  • Boil the pods until they become tender, strain the water and drink once it has settled.

7. Watermelon juice

It is an effective juice to alleviate kidney pain due to its high water and potassium content. This breaks down the phosphate and calcium stones. On the other hand, it in turn stimulates the elimination of toxins through the urine due to its diuretic properties.

  • The consumption of tea made from watermelon seeds 3 times a week also offers its analgesic properties for the treatment of acute kidney pain.

Don’t let your daily activities be stopped by kidney pain. Take into account any of these simple tips applicable in your daily life.

It is very easy to put them into practice, they are quite cheap and with multiple beneficial effects on your health, including alleviating kidney pain. Now you know what you cannot miss in your life so that your kidneys are healthy: plenty of fluids.

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