Incredible Cleansing Diet To Cleanse The Kidneys

Once a year we should at least have a cleansing diet to cleanse our kidneys of all the toxins in our body. We teach you how to do it.

Losing weight is the main goal we have in mind when we decide to start a diet. However, there are meal plans that are adapted to other needs, such as: cleaning the kidneys.

These are essential organs for the proper functioning of the body. They are shaped like beans or beans and their size is not proportional to the functions they fulfill. Eight centimeters wide and thirteen long, like a clenched fist.

They are located just above the waist and behind the abdominal cavity and their main function is to detoxify the body. They choose which substances are good and bad and proceed to their classification, discarding the dangerous ones.

Due to its importance, this time we are going to advise you on an incredible cleansing diet so that you can cleanse your kidneys and make sure to preserve them over time.

Kidney functions

Feet swollen from fluid retention.

They are the main filters of the blood. They retain those substances that the body can take advantage of and discard through the urine all those that the body does not need. To this are added other functions that show us the importance of keeping these organs in good condition, as explained in Zona Hospitalaria :

  • Filter 1.80 liters of liquids per day.
  • Generate between 1.5 and 2 liters of urine.
  • Eliminate toxins.
  • Recover good substances like water, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and glucose.
  • It is essential in the synthesis of the hormone erythropoietin, which is responsible for the production of red blood cells.
  • Participates in the synthesis of renin, a hormone that is involved in the process of regulating blood pressure.
  • It is involved in the production of vitamin D, which maintains healthy bones, through the production of calcitriol.
  • Participates in the internal balance of our body, since it maintains homeostasis.

Now, to start talking about a cleansing diet, you need to consider what are the signs that indicate that your kidneys are not working correctly:

  • Fluid retention
  • Change in the smell, color, and amount of your urine
  • Pain when urinating
  • Possible bladder infections
  • Rise in blood pressure levels
  • Possible kidney infections
  • General tiredness
  • Itchy skin from rashes

Diet to purify the kidneys

At least once a year you should cleanse the kidneys. From the first moment, it is important that you know what are those foods that you cannot eat because they impair its functioning.

Functioning of the kidneys.

You should avoid excess salt, foods that remain with toxic residues such as coffee, lentils, walnuts and plums. Also discard those with excess purines as they increase uric acid in the body, some of these are:

  • Sardines
  • Anchovies
  • Sausages
  • Viscera
  • Vegetables

In the same way, those with high potassium content, since they can be harmful if your kidneys are weak or suffer from any condition. For this reason, if you think you could have a problem avoid spinach, sweet potato, orange, cabbage and potatoes.

Say no to large amounts of protein, because they are foods that require extra effort on the kidneys. They can be harmful, especially if they are of animal origin. It does not mean that you should eliminate them from your diet, just eat them in rational amounts. Moderator:

  • meats
  • Birds
  • Milk and derivatives
  • Eggs

Less sugar

We put it in another section because sugar is, by definition, the least you should eat. You’ve probably heard it from your parents, grandparents, and doctors.

Its high consumption not only leads to diabetes and high cholesterol, but also to very complicated kidney problems. The kidneys are weakened by excess sugar and saturated fat.

What should you eat to cleanse the kidneys?

The debugging process is done for a few days. Diuretics are important at this time as they help flush toxins out of the body. For example: eat broccoli, artichoke, pineapple, onion or watercress in your meals.

Pineapple to purify your body.

Parallel to this he takes diuretic infusions. Those that contain parsley, anise, dandelion and horsetail are ideal. You just have to bring a little water to boil, and then add the product of your choice. You will repeat that for a week. No more.

You prepare horsetail with a liter of water, you can preserve it in the fridge and drink it for 15 days. We assure you that these infusions with a diuretic diet is a good combination to cleanse the kidneys.

Drink lots of water

A day, drink between two and three liters of water. Water is the ally of the kidneys as it helps them work fluidly and without much effort. If you consume protein, increase the dose of water, one or two more glasses of water would be a good amount.

Only those who have problems urinating or those who suffer from bloating or fluid retention should avoid drinking so much water. Remember, in these cases or when you decide to cleanse the kidneys, consult a specialist who endorses your decision and diet.

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