10 Dangerous Games Among Teenagers

Nowadays, there are more and more dangerous games that are easily spread among teenagers through social media. These, regardless of the format in which they are presented, could be life-threatening.

Next, we discuss which are the games that can be suggested among adolescents; what they are and why they are harmful.

10 dangerous games among teenagers

1. The challenge of ice and salt

ice cubes

This game consists of placing salt on the skin and pressing with an ice cube. This produces a chemical reaction in which the person experiences a burning sensation, which can go as low as 21 degrees below zero.

Who is the winner in this game? The one who manages to endure the pain for the longest time and shares the feat on the Internet. This is one of the most popular dangerous games on social media.

2. Shocking game

In this game, the goal is to suffocate the person until they pass out. This, because, supposedly, when you faint you experience a feeling of happiness, very similar to the effect of drugs or alcohol.

But what happens when the brain is deprived of oxygen? This could cause the cells to be damaged. Among its most serious consequences are seizures, entering a coma and even death.

3. Knockout game

Knockout game

Challenges are the way adolescents get motivated to take a certain action and gain acceptance. Since the goal is to achieve some social status and recognition from other adolescents, the consequences are hardly considered.

This game consists of attacking strange people, for no reason. A group of several teenagers meet in an area, pick a victim at random and, when intercepting them, begin to beat them with their fists and feet until they get tired and run from the site.

4. Fire challenge

In the quest to seek social approval, teens can indulge in many dangerous games and tendencies.  This challenge consists of wetting an area of ​​the body with a flammable liquid and setting it on fire.

Meanwhile, another participant is in charge of recording the action and the protagonist tries to extinguish the flame as quickly as possible.

5. Balconing (jumping off a balcony)


The objective of this challenge, as the name implies, is to jump from a high place, which is usually a balcony. Skipping is often under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

6. The cinnamon challenge

The goal is to swallow a tablespoon of cinnamon powder without drinking any type of liquid. The person who manages to swallow the cinnamon without coughing wins. Usually, the participants end up expelling the mixture through their mouth and nose.

This game can severely affect the lungs, cause suffocation, throat irritation, and even lung collapse.

7. Ingest antibacterial gel

Antibacterial soap.  Dangerous games

The popularity of this game has increased alarmingly. In fact, it began to be practiced in Sweden and, since then, millions of children and adolescents around the world have fallen into temptation.

The challenge is to drink antibacterial gel, since its ethyl alcohol content could cause the same effects of an alcoholic drink, but multiplied.

8. Cough syrup

Many cough syrups contain dextromethorphan, which, when consumed excessively, causes hallucinations and states of euphoria. This, beyond a game, is a practice to simulate the effects of drugs or alcohol.

9. Eyeballing (putting alcohol in the eyes)

Eyeballing (putting alcohol in the eyes) as a dangerous game

This game consists of pouring liquor into the eyes, making the alcohol come into direct contact with the retina. This is done to intensify its effects. This practice could cause irreversible damage to the cornea.

10. The 48 hour challenge

The 48 hour challenge is one of the most popular dangerous games in recent times. It consists of leaving the house, without notifying anyone, and being absent for 48 consecutive hours.

Who wins? The one that manages to mobilize the largest number of people and authorities. Of course, the event must capture the attention of social networks.

What to keep in mind at this stage?

Given that adolescence is a difficult stage, it is important to monitor the use of social networks and carry out the appropriate accompaniment. This, to be able to detect any dangerous practice that puts your life at risk, and act in time in the event of possible alarm signals.

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