Conditions Caused By Wearing Heels

Wearing heels can have serious health consequences. Today we share with you the conditions caused by the excessive use of heels.

In the following article we will talk about the possible conditions caused by the use of heels. It is one of the footwear most used by women around the world. Preferred for giving us a slim and elegant appearance and at the same time lengthening the body a few centimeters.

At the aesthetic level they are accepted because they can be used to show off many styles and highlight almost all physical attributes. However, when it comes to health, they can cause various types of ailments and injuries.

Pain is one of the immediate symptoms that are perceived when using this shoe. However, beyond that, there are several pathologies that should concern those who cannot stop using them.

Veins or varicose veins

Varicose veins are venous dilations characterized by the inability to establish an effective return of blood to the heart (venous insufficiency). The legs have to support the body every day. This already poses a greater difficulty for the circulatory system compared to other parts of the body.

When using heels, especially the popular “lace” or “stiletto”, the pressure of the weight is even greater. There is a high probability of having serious circulation problems. These blood flow problems cause unsightly and painful veins or varicose veins that can be seen with the naked eye.

Plantar fasciitis

The effort that the feet have to do to endure wearing heels for long hours can cause a condition known as plantar fasciitis.

It is an acute inflammation between the tendons that support the bones of the bottom of the foot and the heel. This can cause problems to walk normally.


Bunions, one of the conditions caused by wearing heels

Bunions are another of the conditions caused by the use of heels. The narrower and higher the heel, the more likely you are to develop bunions. The  hallus valgus It is one of the most frequent deformities of the foot, especially in women over 50 years of age. Its appearance is favored by the existence of an excessively long big toe, together with the use of shoes with high heels and a very narrow toe, as stated in this study summary.

This problem is one of the most associated with the use of heels, although it can also be caused by various types of closed shoes. It is a condition that can cause intense pain and that, due to its appearance, is also labeled as unsightly.

Hammer toes

By generating pressure on the toes, closed-heeled shoes can cause a disorder known as “hammer toes.” It is a deformity in which the toes begin to curve upward.

Ankle sprain

Ankle sprain, one of the conditions caused by wearing heels

Another condition caused by the use of heels is sprains. When walking in high heels for a long time, the ankles reduce their ability to rotate and flex. This puts you at high risk for sprains or other types of injuries.

Morton’s neuroma

It is a thickening of the plantar digital nerve caused by a perineural, epineural and intraneural fibroblastic reaction with sclerosis of the arteriolar walls that nourish the nervous tissue, in which the degeneration of nerve fibers occurs, as defined in this summary of a medical study .

The taller the shoes, the more pressure there is on the toes and the more the plantar nerves are compressed. This hinders blood risk and causes inflammation. This condition involves the fingers and generates other symptoms such as pain, tingling and burning that become more intense when walking.

Corns, another of the conditions caused by the use of heels

Corns are one of the conditions caused by wearing heels

In very few cases calluses cause pain, but they do affect beauty and pose a great risk of cracking and dryness. These are hardened layers of skin that are formed by strong pressure on certain areas of the sole of the foot.

Achilles tendon inflammation

The posture taken when wearing high heels puts a strain on the Achilles heel and shortens the calf muscles. Later it can cause pain, tears and tendon ruptures.

Knee osteoarthritis

Osteoarthritis of the knees is a disease that occurs due to the wear of the articular cartilage that covers the bone ends. It usually occurs as a natural aging process.

However, there are those who suffer it at an early age due to injuries or being overweight. It is more frequent in the female population. Consistent wearing of heels is a major risk factor.

Wearing the heels from time to time and only for a few hours does not pose a health risk. However, if possible, those that measure more than 5 centimeters and that are too thin should be avoided.

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