Why Is It Good To Do Sports Daily?

Doing sports on a daily basis is not only beneficial to keep fit and lose weight, but it also brings benefits on a psychological level. We invite you to know 7 great positive consequences of exercise.

Why do sports? Keeping the body in good condition is essential, and not only because of having a slim and toned figure, but because this is directly related to good health, both physical and mental.

Leading an active life does not mean doing a lot of exercises to maintain a perfect body, but doing sports daily in a moderate way. The idea of ​​exercising every day may seem like a stretch, but the benefits are appreciable. Also, it doesn’t have to be too much, but enough.

Why is it good to do sports daily?

Next, we are going to list 7 reasons why sport is the cornerstone of a healthy life. After meeting them, they will make you want to play sports without a doubt!

1. Improves physical appearance

Find a motivation

Exercising daily, even if it is low intensity, helps burn excess fat and calories from the body. This is due to the energy deficit that is generated, as detailed in a study published in the Annals of Nutrition & Metabolism .

In this way, it is possible to tone the muscles and maintain an ideal weight. In addition, sweating removes harmful toxins that, if accumulated, can affect the body and cause physiological and aesthetic problems, as explained by research published in the Habanera Journal of Medical Sciences .

2. Playing sports makes people happier

In addition to improving physical composition, when performing exercises the release of substances produced by the brain called endorphins is generated. These are peptides that have properties similar to opiates.

These substances act as neurotransmitters and are capable of providing relaxation, tranquility, peace of mind and a feeling of well-being, as explained in a study published by Sports Medicine .

On the other hand, exercising helps you have more energy and desire to do things. This encourages the achievement of goals and, by extension, improves self-esteem. In turn, self-confidence is enhanced, we feel more useful, we are more efficient and we are more comfortable with ourselves.

Practicing at least 30 minutes of physical activity helps the body maintain an adequate level of endorphins, in order to keep us healthy and happy. It also significantly reduces cases of depression, according to a publication on the WebMD site.

3. Helps prevent disease

Jogging is a good way to take care of your heart.

By doing sports daily and managing to maintain an adequate weight, you reduce the risk of developing diseases such as high blood pressure, obesity, type 2 diabetes or cancer, among others. This is explained in depth in a recent study published by the Journal of Sport and Health Science .

These are ailments that adults generally suffered from. However, at present, with the development of technology and the sedentary lifestyle associated with it, many children and adolescents are suffering from this type of disease.

By including an exercise routine or an extracurricular sport in children’s lives, the likelihood of having a sedentary and sick child population as a consequence is reduced.

4. It is a way of aging better

It is an issue that young people do not usually get much attention. However, without realizing it, time passes very quickly and the changes in the body begin to be noticed more and more.

If we include some physical activity or sport in the daily routine, we will be reducing the chances of presenting disorders such as osteoporosis. This is because exercise helps increase bone density, according to a study published in the Postgraduate Medical Journal .

Doing simple exercises like running or brisk walking, jumping rope, or lifting your own body weight can help maintain bone strength and prepare you for old age.

5. Improves the quality of rest

By exercising daily, the body loses energy. With this, the muscles work a little more than normal, the mind clears and the problems go away.

Thus, when night falls, the body is only ready to rest and regain the necessary energy to start the next day. In this way, we achieve a pleasant, restorative and higher quality sleep, according to a study published by the Journal of Behavioral Medicine .

For many people, the decision to exercise is not as easy as it is for others. Therefore, if there is some resistance, it is better to look for an activity that is motivating, that is exciting. In this way, we will be more motivated to include exercise in our day-to-day life.

6. Increase social life

Many prefer to do activities of this type in the company of friends or family. If you are one of those who do not like to exercise alone and you cannot find someone close, you can join a dance group or some amateur team.

Remember that taking care of the body is essential to enjoy good health and have a full life. Use physical activity as a tool to socialize and meet more people!

7. Represents a way to save money

Another thing you can do to include physical activities in your day to day is to leave the car and use it only for the really necessary things. For daily activities, you can choose to walk or use the bicycle to get around. This will save you money on fuel, and probably medicine too!

Playing sports, a more than recommended life decision

After reviewing all these data, there is no doubt that physical activity has a lot to contribute in the lives of all people. Regardless of age or physical condition, everyone can adapt their favorite discipline to their possibilities.

In addition, if you choose a discipline that is fun and motivates, we will not see exercise as an obligation, but as an activity to really enjoy. And even more so if we do it with friends or with a partner!

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