How To Remove Make-up Naturally With Hot Water And Oil

If you are looking for a simple, inexpensive and natural way to remove makeup, we present an alternative for which you will only need a vegetable oil, hot water and a washcloth.

Discover in this article a way to remove make-up that, at the same time, cares for, moisturizes and cleanses the skin of your complexion in depth.

Remove make-up without toxins

remove makeup naturally

More and more women are replacing their conventional cosmetic and hygiene products with alternatives based on natural ingredients.

These do not have harmful substances like parabens or paraffins and other petroleum derivatives.

The reason is that, through the pores of the skin, our body absorbs these substances, which reach the bloodstream. Many of them have already been linked to some health disorders.

Why take that risk if there are natural alternatives? The problem is that the healthiest and most ecological products tend to be much more expensive.

For this reason, many people increasingly opt for homemade cosmetics, made with simple but very beneficial ingredients. In this article we suggest you remove your makeup in the simplest, home-made and natural way.

Cleanse the skin every day

Whether you wear makeup or not, you should know that it is essential to clean your facial skin on a regular basis to remove dead cells, prevent impurities and improve skin regeneration.

This will allow us to show off a luminous complexion but without shine, firm, homogeneous and without wrinkles.

This natural method that we propose allows you to remove your makeup but also cleanse the skin, while deeply hydrating it. You will notice a great feeling of well-being right after doing it and you will no longer want to change it for any other.

What do you need?

What do you need

To remove makeup in this way you only need three ingredients:

  • A good quality vegetable oil, suitable for your skin type.
  • A small washcloth. You will need several since it is recommended to use it only once and then wash it. You can have 4 or 5 and wash them in the washing machine.
  • Hot water.

The combination of hot water and oil is what allows to cleanse the skin in depth and remove any type of makeup, since moisture and an oily base are needed.

The oil also allows you to hydrate the skin without having to do more steps. In addition, the skin is not going to be too oily, but in the exact point.

For this, it is essential to choose the most suitable oil for our skin type well. 

What is your type of skin?


Do you know what your skin type is? Most women do not have normal skin. In addition, it can change with age, time or times of the year, so it is very important to adapt the oil we use so that it is appropriate.

At first, we may have to try several until we find the oil or mixture that leaves our skin great.

For this reason, it is advisable to buy small bottles of oil at first. If any is not suitable we can use it to hydrate the body after showering.

  • Dry skin: olive oil, almond oil, avocado oil, sesame oil.
  • Combination or normal skin: castor oil, jojoba oil, wheat germ oil, coconut oil.
  • Oily skin: castor oil, coconut oil, jojoba oil.
  • Mature skin: olive oil, rosehip oil, apricot oil, avocado oil, grapeseed oil.
  • Sensitive or atopic skin: jojoba oil, grape seed oil, rosehip oil.
  • Acne skin: coconut oil, jojoba oil.

How and when to do it

The best time to remove your makeup is at night, before going to bed. However, if you need it, you can also do it in the morning. It is done as follows:

  • On dry skin, we will apply the oil all over the face, massaging it gently.
  • We will let it act between 2 and 10 minutes.
  • We will soak the towel in hot water, but do not burn it, we will drain it and remove the oil with it.
  • We will use it while it is hot, so that the pores open well.
  • We will repeat it a couple of times.
  • We will notice that a thin layer of oil will remain on the skin, but in no case greasy, which will be ideal to hydrate it.

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