Leave During Pregnancy: What We Should Know

Do you want to request maternity leave? Read about how pregnant women need a work permit in order to have a calm pregnancy and an optimal postpartum

Do you know when to take leave during pregnancy? Don’t worry, this work permit will give you many benefits. That decision depends on you, the symptoms you have during pregnancy and the recommendations of your doctor. Perhaps your biggest question when you are pregnant is knowing when you should stop working.

The most advisable thing is to ask for sick leave two months before delivery , considering the physical complications that occur during the last months of pregnancy. Today, most mothers try to work until the last day. However, the type of work that the pregnant woman does should be considered.

Although pregnancy is a time of change for your body and not a disease, some jobs require that you stand or sit in the same position for long hours. In addition, you should consider the physical effort you put into your work and how it can affect your baby.

The loss during pregnancy lasts around 16 weeks that you should enjoy uninterruptedly. At least 6 weeks you should take it after delivery. If you have a multiple birth, this rest period is extended by 2 weeks for each additional child.

Why is discharge during pregnancy important?

When you become a mom, your main concern is the well-being of your little one. The purpose of the leave during pregnancy is to cover the economic loss that the pregnant woman has due to the fact of not being able to work if her work activity poses a risk to her or the fetus.

It is a right that all pregnant women have, regardless of whether they work independently or for a company. Nor do they need to have contributed a minimum amount of time, as is the case with maternity leave.

Woman in front of the computer working with her little one in her arms

Less stress for the pregnant mother

Most studies on the effects of stress in pregnancy affirm that when the pregnant woman reaches a high degree of stress, it can have harmful effects on her health and on the development of the fetus. Therefore, if your work stresses you, you should know that you could suffer serious consequences such as:

  • Premature delivery
  • Obstetric complications.
  • Low birth weight
  • Spontaneous abortion.

To release pressure and relieve stress, you can do breathing exercises, meditations, or go for a walk. You must live the pregnancy fully and calmly to avoid any type of complication at the time of delivery, both for you and your baby.

Less physical effort

Due to the hormonal changes that your body experiences, your joints are looser. This is called ligamentous laxity and makes pregnant women more prone to injury such as sprains. In this way, If your job requires a lot of physical effort, it is more than likely that you will suffer an injury.

Remember that during pregnancy you must be more careful and keep physical effort to a minimum, especially in the last months of pregnancy. It is not worth taking unnecessary risks. Do not forget.

Ensure the healthy development of the baby

If you want to keep your baby’s health in an optimal state, it is most advisable to ask for leave during pregnancy. Go from the hustle and bustle of work to the peace of mind of resting and dedicating yourself completely to your baby. In this way, you will not put your baby’s health at risk during its development in the womb.

Pregnant women  exposed to situations of stress or anxiety reduce the blood flow to the baby. Also, stress releases cortisol; The higher the cortisol level in the amniotic fluid that surrounds the fetus, the lower the baby’s IQ may be when it grows up.


What does the International Labor Organization say?

An ILO investigation, in conjunction with the Department of Conditions of Work and Equality and the Department of Companies, suggests that sick leave during pregnancy not only benefits pregnant women, but  is also a measure that protects companies and women. society in general.

If a company grants leave during pregnancy, it helps the workers feel comfortable, committed and motivated to continue working in that company. Also, if the company distributes the functions of your position, you will not have to spend time or money training a new person.

Motherhood must become commonplace in companies. For this, it is necessary to make a change in labor policies . They should consider the needs of women who want to be mothers.

What are the consequences of not requesting leave during pregnancy?

The list of consequences for not taking a break from work while pregnant is long. The risks of not taking leave during pregnancy are diverse and vary according to the job position of each woman. We can group them as follows:

  • Physical : certain movements, lifting a lot of weight and even sudden changes in temperature can affect your health and well-being during pregnancy.
  • Psychological : those jobs that involve a lot of stress or long working hours stand out.
  • Biological : they refer to those women who are exposed to infecting some type of virus or disease. For example, women who work in the medical, veterinary or childcare sectors.
  • Chemicals : professionals who are dedicated to the agricultural, sanitary or artisan industries are more easily exposed to chemicals that can harm the formation of the fetus in the womb.
  • Ergonomic : always working in the same posture, standing or sitting, can damage the mother’s spine and cause joint pain.

Transmit stress to the baby

Remember that as long as he is part of your body, he will feel the same things that you feel . This happens because the body releases different hormones with every feeling you experience. Therefore, if you are anxious or stressed, your heart pressure will increase. Therefore, also that of your son.

Risk of premature birth

If a pregnant woman does not take care of her diet or completely neglects the recommendations of her doctor, she is more likely to have a premature delivery. Preterm births are those that occur before the 37th week of pregnancy . These bring with them a long list of risks:

  • The baby may be born with immature lungs and have breathing problems.
  • Pneumonia.
  • A premature baby may be unable to resist certain infections.
  • The child may be born with jaundice  caused by excess bilirubin in the blood.
  • Infants born before 34 weeks of pregnancy are more likely to experience intraventricular hemorrhage.
  • Premature babies have an immature digestive system. As a result, they may be unable to absorb the nutrients they need for growth.
  • Lack of nutrients can cause the baby to develop anemia.


Asking for leave during pregnancy is one of the most important employment rights you have as a woman. The activities you do during your workday can put you and your baby in a very vulnerable physiological situation. For its part, work stress can represent a higher risk condition.

If you are a new mother, it is best to take the leave during pregnancy . In this way you can recharge your batteries before delivery. Also, when your child is born, you will still have 6 weeks to dedicate yourself completely to him.

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