Find An Easier Way To Remove Sweat Stains

White clothing is essential in the closet of most people, as it combines with everything and can be adapted to almost any style. However, there are those who prefer not to use it because they know that, with the passage of time, sweat stains are formed that are difficult to remove.

In fact, there are those who get rid of their clothes because they consider that it is impossible to return them to their original tone. For this reason, to remove sweat stains, several methods must be available. Although soap and water are not enough to remove them, there are some tricks that make cleaning easier without affecting the fabrics. Go ahead and try them!

Natural products to  remove sweat stains

Today, many people have stopped using conventional bleaches to remove sweat stains or other substances. The reason? Not only do they deteriorate the garment more easily, but they can be harmful to health.

According to information published in the National Center for Biotechnology Information , bleach, whose active compound is sodium hypochlorite, can be irritating to the skin and respiratory system. Although the one for domestic use is relatively benign, it is always advisable to dilute it in water.

In addition, it is dangerous when combined with other household cleaners, such as those that contain ammonia. In these cases, they result in the release of a gaseous chlorine that is suffocating. As a result of all this, the ideal thing is to look for alternatives.

So when it comes to removing sweat stains from white clothes, you can try some natural ingredients that seem to be effective. Here are the most popular ones and how to use them.

1. Natural baking soda, salt and vinegar bleach

In popular literature, both bicarbonate and salt and vinegar have featured on the list of natural ingredients for cleaning. Due to its composition, its application helps to remove the distressed appearance caused by sweat stains. 

Now, it is important to note that this process of whitening clothes consists of several steps, since the mixture of vinegar with bicarbonate is not recommended. That is, first you will have to use the vinegar and then apply the bicarbonate. Keep that in mind!

Natural baking soda, salt and vinegar bleach


  • 1 little vinegar (250 ml).
  • Cup and a half of baking soda (210 g).
  • 1 teaspoon of salt (10 g).


  • Put the garment in a container with vinegar and hot water.
  • Let it act for 20 minutes.
  • Next, mix the baking soda and salt into a paste.
  • Remove the garment when the appropriate time has passed and wring it out until it is just barely damp.
  • Next, spread the mixture on the stains and rub carefully so as not to damage the clothes.
  • To finish, put the garment on the regular wash cycle and dry it in the sun.

2. White vinegar

There is no evidence on the effectiveness of white vinegar against clothing stains. However, anecdotal data suggests that it can help reduce the yellowish appearance of white garments. 


  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 liter of water


  • Dilute half a cup of white vinegar in a liter of water.
  • Soak the garment for 40 minutes.
  • Rinse with regular movements.
  • Repeat its use if you consider it necessary.

3. Lemon juice

Lemon juice is one of the most used organic ingredients when it comes to ecological cleaning. In this case, its citric acid seems to be responsible for its bleaching effect on clothes. However, there is a lack of evidence in this regard.

Lemon to remove sweat stains


  • 1 lemon
  • Regular detergent


  • Squeeze lemon juice and apply it directly to the stain.
  • Let it act for 40 minutes and wash with the usual detergent.
  • Remove the liquid by cleaning with plenty of water.

    4. Salt and alcohol

    Another of the preparations that some people suggest to whiten white garments is to combine salt and alcohol. According to anecdotal data from those who have tried it, its application can remove those unsightly sweat stains.


    • 2 tablespoons of salt (20 g)
    • 1/2 cup of alcohol (125 ml)


    • Dilute the tablespoons of salt in half a cup of alcohol.
    • Rub over the stains with the help of a brush.
    • Wait for it to act for about 30 minutes and rinse.
    • Use it several times until all of the stain is removed.

    5. Lemon slices

    Another interesting way to use lemon as a cleaning agent for clothes is by cutting its slices. In this case, we supplement with a little hydrogen peroxide for best results. 

    Lemon slices


    • A sliced ​​lemon
    • 1 teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide (10 ml)


    • Cut the lemon into several slices.
    • Put the slices in a bowl of water.
    • Add a teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide.
    • Immerse the garment you want to bleach.
    • Let it act for 45 minutes to 1 hour and rinse.
    • Put it in the washing machine and complete the wash.

    6. Baking soda to remove sweat stains

    By itself, baking soda can help reduce sweat and deodorant stains that form on clothes. It is even believed that it helps to care for fabrics and colors.


    • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)


    • Moisten a tablespoon of baking soda (10 g).
    • Rub over the armpits, sleeves and collars of the garment.
    • Let it act for 20 minutes and rinse.

    General Considerations for Removing Sweat Stains from White Clothing

    The mentioned remedies can be useful to give a better appearance to clothes damaged by sweat. However, it must be taken into account that they lack evidence and, therefore, may not be effective in some cases. However, they can be tested multiple times, as they are safe to use and do not damage tissues.

    Of course, it never hurts to use a good soap, brush and other cleaning accessories. The most important thing is to try to limit the use of more aggressive products such as bleach.

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