8 Interesting Uses That You Can Give To Banana Peels

Banana peels have multiple nutrients that can help us alleviate different ailments whether we apply them topically or if we prepare them in infusion

The banana peels are much more than a waste. Although we are used to throwing them away after eating the fruit, the truth is that they are an important source of nutrients that gives us several benefits. Its high content of fiber, vitamins, antioxidants and essential minerals make it worth reusing. In fact, they can be a 100% natural remedy for the relief of certain diseases and symptoms.

On the other hand, they are also attributed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties, which could contribute to the relief of various health problems. Taking into account its active and nutritional properties, below we want to share 8 interesting ways to use banana peels.

Properties of banana peels

Next, we present the many properties and advantages of the skin of this fruit

1. Fight constipation

treat constipation with banana peels

Although banana pulp contains dietary fiber, it is important to mention that much of this nutrient is concentrated in its peel. In this way, its consumption promotes intestinal motility and facilitates the elimination of waste. On the other hand, it is highly recommended to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day, when using this remedy. Your relief will be remarkable.

  • You can make smoothies with banana peels, or infusions. What you like most.

2. Remove warts

The white part of the inside of this peel contains fiber, antioxidants and acidic substances that help regulate the pH of the skin to facilitate the removal of unsightly warts.

  • In this case, a piece must be put on the protrusion, adhered with an adhesive tape.
  • Leave it on overnight (apply it when you go to sleep and take it off when you wake up). Repeat the process until it is eliminated.

3. Relieve insect bites


Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, this natural ingredient can be used as an alternative to reduce the symptoms of insect bites on the skin. Its direct application controls irritation and, incidentally, relieves itching and redness.

  • Simply rub it on the affected area, 2 or 3 times a day.

4. Combat fluid retention

The potassium contained in banana peels is useful for regulating electrolyte levels in the body. In our case, it can help maintain the balance of these compounds and therefore alleviate fluid retention in the tissues.

  • To facilitate this, consume 2 or 3 cups of banana peel tea a day.

5. Take care of cardiovascular health

Improves cardiovascular health

Although it may be hard to believe, that part of the banana that you used to throw away is actually a powerful remedy to protect cardiovascular health. Indeed, its natural fibers reduce the absorption of cholesterol and, as if that were not enough, its potassium and phosphorus help regulate blood pressure.

  • You can have a banana peel tea 3 times a week to start protecting your cardiovascular health.

6. Reducing acne with banana peels is possible

The acidic composition of the skin of bananas can help you regulate the pH of the skin to reduce the appearance of acne and blackheads. These remove excess sebum that is retained in the pores and, due to its anti-inflammatory effect, reduces the size of the pimples.

  • First, take the banana peel and rub it, for its white part, on the affected areas
  • After, let it act for 15 minutes, rinse and repeat its use every day
  • You can do it 2 or 3 times a day

7. Relieve bruises

If you have recently suffered a blow and have bruises on the skin, the application of banana peels can serve as a solution to promote its relief. These help improve circulation in the affected area, facilitating cellular oxygenation to repair the affected tissues.

  • Rub the banana peel on the bruise and leave it to act without rinsing.
  • Optionally, brew it into tea and consume it 2 times a day.

    8. Reduce headaches thanks to the properties of banana peels

    Headache relief is usually achieved by taking pain relievers. However, if you don’t have these on hand, you can take advantage of the properties of banana peel to reduce headaches. Its essential minerals, in addition to fiber and antioxidants, improve circulation, as well as having anti-inflammatory properties.

    • Make a banana peel tea and drink it 2-3 times a day.
    • Optionally, put the white part of the peels on the forehead and the back of the neck, and leave it to act for 15 minutes.

    Still not taking advantage of banana peels ? Stop throwing them away and use them as a natural solution against these types of problems. Try to use them fresh, since when refrigerated they can lose some of their properties.

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