5 Psychological Tricks To Make Others Feel Attracted To You

The authentic attraction, which is installed in our mind, intrigues, excites and fills us with curiosity, goes far beyond the simple physical wrapping, of a face, eyes or a body.

Culturally, there is a bias around beauty whereby we come to believe that everything that is beautiful is good, that someone who enjoys intense physical attractiveness hides, in turn, fabulous personal qualities.

However, as we wear more years and store more experience in our vital trunk, we realize that this correlation is not always fulfilled and that, in reality, it is much more intense and significant to be able to experience that other type of attraction. in which two minds harmonize in pleasures, values ​​and projects. Let’s go deeper.

Captivating the attraction of others is a difficult gift to possess

Happy woman smiling

1. The real attraction lies in personal safety.

Let’s be authentic! Self-confident people captivate and attract. However, be careful, because that security and self-confidence should never fall into pride or the borders of narcissism.

  • The healthiest personal security is one in which you know your own virtues and enhance them; but, at the same time, they are aware of their limitations and have the ability to recognize them and try to improve them every day.
  • On the other hand, personal security is nourished, in turn, by other basic and essential dimensions. Among these, we can find good self-esteem, a good self-concept and a  certain humility with which to be much more accessible and close to others.
  • In the balance of these dimensions, there is the real magic.

2. We create our own brand, being different from others is an advantage to discover

In a world of equal people, the different attracts. However, at times, many of us think that being different can cause us humiliation, criticism and even marginalization in society.

  • Having an aquiline nose, a few extra kilos, being too tall or too short… All of this can be, at first, a real obstacle for one to be able to trust oneself.
  • Now, these nuances must be accompanied by personal safety.
  • We are all unique. Each one has a special charm, so let’s focus on what we like best about ourselves.
  • Let’s learn to take advantage of our peculiarities.

3. The power of non-verbal language

The attraction begins with the look and knowing how to connect with others through it. At the same time, it is necessary that we learn to take care of our posture: crossed legs and crossed arms are like walls when it comes to generating confidence.

We must open the range of our gestures to show tranquility. Use your hands to gesture, your smile to captivate, your head to nod and show interest, and your posture to express confidence and closeness.

4. Empathic communication

The person who is able to show closeness, who knows how to listen and is capable of establishing emotional and cognitive empathy gradually generates a high power of attraction.

On the contrary, those who have the habit of always talking about themselves with the idea of ​​”selling themselves” in the face of the gallery, extolling some supposed virtues, capacities and fabulous abilities, what they actually generate is discomfort and distance.

It is necessary to learn to be close. Those profiles who know how to do it by showing authenticity and sincere interest in who they have in front of them without ceasing to be humble  are those who generate a deep attraction.

5. Something unusual, a strange and singular nuance

As we have pointed out, if we become obsessed with “fitting in”, with sharing similar traits to other people, the only thing we will achieve is to dissolve ourselves in the ocean of the ordinary, without ever standing out.

  • If we want to attract attention, that the eyes go towards us in the middle of a room full of people, we must integrate a singular nuance that defines us, something by which others will remember us or identify us.
  • We can be that person who likes the “ pin-up” style; that original hair; elegant mustache; the one who wears a bow tie or the one who always dresses casually.

However, being original must in turn harmonize with our physique and our way of being. We should never show something that does not fit our essence  or that is not part of our identity.

Woman with hat

Trusting yourself is the real key

To conclude, we must be very clear that these dimensions can and should be trained. Most of them arise from self-knowledge. That is, only when we know ourselves will we understand what we can enhance.

We will also be aware of where our strengths are and where that magic that captivates and that is capable of getting others to turn their gazes towards us is.

Finally, let’s not forget something essential: once the attraction is established, it must be maintained. If we trust ourselves at all times, we will undoubtedly achieve lasting and fruitful friendship, partner or work relationships.

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