Urinary Sepsis: Causes And Treatment

A urinary sepsis is a serious health disorder that consists of an inflammatory reaction of the body to some type of intense infection. This underlying infection can have different causes and characteristics.

On the other hand, urinary sepsis indicates that the disorder has taken place in the patient’s urinary tract. A classification criterion is made based on the extent of the infection. In this case, lower urinary sepsis only affects the urethra and bladder, while upper urinary sepsis can affect the kidneys.

Today, it is a relatively common problem, especially in patients with a serious medical condition. In any case, the group of experts has been able to improve the treatment. Therefore, in recent years the mortality rate due to this disease has been reduced according to recent studies.

What are the possible causes of urinary sepsis?

Generally, the infections that can lead to sepsis in patients are caused by different kinds of bacteria. However, the disorder can also be due to the presence of other microorganisms such as viruses, parasites, and even fungi. These beings can come from the external environment or the internal environment (the patient’s body).

In this way, once the set of infectious agents reaches the urinary tract tissue, it can travel to the bloodstream. The development of sepsis is conditioned by the characteristics of the microorganisms and the patient’s condition. Thus, the risk increases in patients with a weakened immune system, against very aggressive microorganisms, etc.

Treatment for urinary sepsis

Pills in a hand and recreation of microorganisms: urinary sepsis.

Before proposing treatment options, the disorder causing the sepsis should be properly identified. To do this, a check will be made of the symptoms or signs related to the presence of an infection.

The large number of organisms that can cause these kinds of infections are very varied. Therefore, the symptoms can vary between intense fever, rapid heartbeat or increased heart rate, feeling of confusion and even a state of unconsciousness. On the other hand, there may be alterations in blood cell levels, increased blood glucose, and skin problems.

In this way, the heart is not able to pump enough blood to the various organs of the body. In the case of the kidney, this change causes a reduction in its functions, especially the production of urine. Thus, when the patient presents urinary sepsis, less urine is frequently expelled than in normal conditions or oliguria.

Medicines used

In any case, the medical team will be able to identify the alteration and propose treatment guidelines. As it is a serious problem, the chances of improvement increase the sooner the treatment is applied. As a general rule, the following procedures are carried out:

  • Use of vasoconstrictor drugs to try to increase blood pressure. Generally, they are also administered together with IV fluids.
  • Use of antibiotics in order to solve the infection. If the area of ​​infection cannot be identified, the patient will be given a set of general antibiotics.

Thus, if urinary sepsis is suspected, a group of compounds will be used against possible microorganisms. In any case, the medical team will treat the alterations that may derive from the infection. For example, those related to the urinary tract (both lower and upper).

  • Application of corticosteroids or anti-inflammatory substances to reduce the inflammatory response at a general level. Currently, studies are being carried out to verify its effectiveness, but initially they seem to improve the prognosis of patients.

Recommendations to prevent sepsis

Therefore, one method of preventing sepsis is to adhere to hygiene measures at all times. On the other hand, special attention should be paid to hand washing and cleaning of instruments.

Remember that sepsis is a medical emergency. If you think you have an infection that is not getting better or is getting worse, see your doctor to see if the infection may be causing sepsis.

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