The Best Exercises To Maintain A Beautiful Hip

When doing exercises to have a beautiful hip, you have to be constant and integrate them into a balanced diet, in this way the results will be positive.

Do you want to have a nice hip? Effort must be made to achieve it. For this reason, the best exercises have been selected to exercise them. If small hips are the main case or the whole trio (hips, glutes, legs), it may take a little more work to reach the desired point.

Staying in shape is essential to maintaining good health. The following article shows some effective exercises to keep your hips defined and your body fit. Join us to meet them!

To begin with, it is important to emphasize that a research conducted in 2010 expressed that regular exercise is associated with a lower risk of mortality, since it provides protection to the cardiovascular system, prevents chronic diseases, reduces the risk of falls, increases density bone mineral improves cognitive function, among many other benefits. In other words, it is essential to keep the body active.

Here are the best exercises to maintain a beautiful hip. These are:

1. Leg to the sides

Side crunches

To perform this exercise you have to stand and keep your back straight. The feet should be shoulder-width apart, while the arms are crossed over the chest.

This consists of raising the right leg as high as possible towards the side, while at the same time unfolding the arms to maintain balance.

You have to hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the starting position. Perform the exercise with both legs.

Execute 3 sets of 8 repetitions (4 with each leg). Once the exercise is mastered, increase to 12 repetitions for each leg. The results will be effective.

2. Squats

As defined by a study carried out at the Nueva Granada Military University, the squat is a fundamental exercise to work the lower part of the body and thus achieve the development of maximum and explosive strength, endurance, hypertrophy and muscular strengthening .

For this exercise, you have to stand near a wall (in case you need help). Once like this, stand with your back straight, your feet slightly spread at the same distance from the shoulders and your arms hanging out to the sides of the body.

The exercise consists of keeping your back straight while contracting your abdominal muscles. Extend your arms forward while gently lowering your body until your hips are level with your knees.

Hold this position for a few seconds and then return to the start. Perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions. As you master the exercise, increase to 20 repetitions.

If it becomes too difficult to balance in the air, hold onto the wall while your hands rest on your thighs.

3. Variant of squats

side squat

In this variant of squats, the first thing to do is to stand up straight. The feet should be shoulder-width apart and the hands resting on the waist.

The exercise consists of stepping forward with your left leg so that it bends to a 90 degree angle. Then bend the other knee without reaching the ground.

Hold for a few seconds and return to the starting position. Finally, do it with the opposite leg. Of this exercise, 3 sets of 8 repetitions should be performed (four times with each leg).

4. Tilt of the body

For this exercise, stand with your back always straight and with your feet at the same distance from your shoulders. It consists of bending down and maintaining the posture.

The feet must be in the same position. You should feel a slight curve in your back while keeping your head up.

When bending over, your torso should be parallel to the floor, while your legs should bend slightly. Return to the starting position and perform 4 sets of 15 repetitions.

5. Jumping squats


In the starting position you should stand with your feet slightly spread at the same distance from your shoulders. The back must be straight.

Then, perform a squat, while inhaling deeply. Lower yourself so that your buttocks are parallel to the floor. If you can, go down a bit more. Now, as you exhale, perform a strong jump upward with the momentum of both feet.

When you return to the ground and your feet are on the floor, breathe and squat again. Do 4 sets of 12 repetitions each. Remember that it is a continuous exercise, that is, you should not rest between each jump.

To conclude, with perseverance and discipline goals are achieved and a beautiful waist is achieved, as well as firm and defined legs and buttocks. Do you dare to try it?

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