How To Firm Skin Naturally: 6 Tips

Are you worried about sagging? To naturally firm the skin, you can include some basic care in your daily routine. Take note of the keys that we mention below.

Loss of skin firmness can affect self-esteem, especially when it affects the appearance of premature signs of aging. Although it can develop due to many factors and in most cases it is difficult to reverse it, we can bet on prevention or, at least, try to reduce its effects. How can you naturally firm your skin?

Sagging problem can be the result of weight loss, pregnancy, lack of nutrients, or aging. Likewise, other cases are related to excessive exposure to the sun and the practice of bad habits. Fortunately, some care and healthy habits help to minimize this problem.

How to firm skin naturally

Today, many products and techniques have been developed in order to reduce sagging and increase skin firmness. However, there are also some natural options for those who prefer them. Are you interested in knowing them?

1. Apply natural firming creams

Woman applying cream to her face

While their effects in naturally firming the skin are subtle, using these alternatives can help improve your appearance when used frequently. To make this type of treatment, you can use these ingredients:

  • Shea butter: a study published by the American Journal of Life Sciences highlights that this cream, which is extracted from an African nut and is called shea butter in English, has anti-inflammatory and anti-wrinkle properties if applied to the skin.
  • Orange oil:  The effects of this oil on the skin are not confirmed. In fact, it could cause blemishes on some skin if combined with exposure to sunlight. However, its vitamin C content could be key, as research such as one published in the Indian Dermatology Online Journal highlights the antioxidant and anti-aging potential of this vitamin.
  • Vitamin E oil: another antioxidant product, which helps prevent the effects of free radicals and slow down the signs of aging. A study from the same journal cited in the previous point details the virtues of this oil.

Although there are several popular recipes for its preparation, it is best to consult with a dermatologist about the use of each of these ingredients. In this way, you will ensure better results and you will be able to prevent unwanted side effects.

2. Take supplements

There is no supplement to firm the skin overnight. However, some varieties can help in this process when taken on a regular basis. Of course, the consumption of these supplements must always be indicated and supervised by a dermatologist.

For example, a 2015 study published by the Journal of Cosmetic Dermatology determined that collagen supplements can minimize the negative effects of aging on the skin.

On the other hand, the amino acids found in protein contribute to the maintenance of collagen and elastin. Likewise, it is key to ensure the intake of vitamin C supplements, a nutrient that participates in the synthesis of collagen.

3. Do physical exercise

woman doing push ups

According to a study published by Rejuvenation Research , one of the best supplements to naturally firm the skin is to exercise regularly. In the first place, the publication stands out for its benefits on cells and the body in general.

On the other hand, physical activity helps combat the accumulation of fat and promotes the formation of muscle mass. Together, these effects help keep the dermis firm and free of premature wrinkles.

Ideally, adopt an exercise routine that combines cardiovascular training with weights. Thus, in addition to eliminating excess fat, muscles are toned.

Don’t have a lot of time? It’s not an excuse! According to the World Health Organization, it is enough to dedicate about 20 or 30 minutes a day to take advantage of its great benefits.

4. Apply massages to naturally firm the skin

The regular application of massages can help to firm the skin naturally because it reactivates the circulation and helps to keep the tissues in optimal condition. According to research from 2017, massages applied with a specific tool for this purpose can amplify the effects of anti-aging creams.

Of course, you can also do them with essential oils, tonics or lotions to firm up. The most important thing to keep in mind is that your results are not obtained overnight; you must be constant to reach them.

5. Increase water consumption

Woman drinking water

Although daily consumption of water does not reverse sagging skin, as explained in a publication in Nutrition Reviews , it is decisive to avoid it and keep the skin firm. The study emphasizes the fluid content of the skin – which reaches approximately 30% -, its function of preventing fluid loss and the importance of hydrating it inside and out.

Thus, part of the care that you must apply to the dermis to firm it is to ensure optimal consumption of water and healthy drinks. The amount of water required can vary based on age, weight, and habits. At a general level, the intake of two liters a day is recommended.

6. Nutrition to naturally firm the skin

The type of diet is usually reflected in skin health. Although overlooked by many, good nutrition is key to firming the skin and preventing aging.

A study published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology in 2014 details the relationship between diet and the treatment of certain skin conditions. Therefore, even in healthy people, ensuring an adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants helps to inhibit the negative effects of oxidative stress.

Although this depends on each individual and should be consulted with a nutritionist, some foods that are usually recommended are:

  • Fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Fish and lean meats.
  • Nuts and seeds.
  • Water and infusions.
  • Whole grains and legumes (moderate portions).

Health as a method of firming the skin naturally

Do you feel your skin flabby? Are you worried about the appearance of premature wrinkles? If so, apply these healthy habits and you will have taken a big step on the road to firming your skin.

Finally, keep in mind that there are also specific cosmetics that can complement all these measures to improve the health of the dermis. If you consider it necessary, consult a dermatologist and follow their instructions for use. The health of the dermis will benefit from all these actions.

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