5 Healthy Breakfasts To Start Your Day With Energy

One option to ensure that our breakfasts are healthy is to prepare in advance the foods that will be part of the next day’s breakfast.

A healthy breakfast is one of the habits that contribute to maintaining good physical and mental performance. Although we sometimes overlook it, this first meal of the day is one of the most important. The nutrients that are obtained first thing in the morning help the body to replenish the necessary energy for a myriad of processes during the day.

In addition , it is essential to speed up the metabolism , something decisive to maintain a stable body weight. However, some make poor choices for breakfast or, in a hurry, substitute a simple coffee and biscuits. For this reason, we wanted to share with you 5 interesting menus that will help you make your breakfasts a more varied and healthy meal. Take note.

Why you shouldn’t skip breakfast

Many people skip breakfast because they think it will help them lose weight. “Saving” those calories seems like an easy method to lose pounds.

However, far from causing this effect, not eating breakfast properly can influence being overweight. By not getting enough energy, the metabolism slows down and increases the accumulation of fat in the body.

On the other hand, in later hours the feeling of anxiety about eating increases, which leads to ingesting more calories than you should.

Other effects of skipping breakfast are:

  • Difficulties in concentration and memory capacity.
  • Feeling tired or sleepy
  • Anxiety, stress, or emotional imbalances.
  • Reduction of muscle mass.
  • Weakening of the immune system.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Nutritional deficiencies

Here are some ideas so you never skip it again:

Light breakfast

Light breakfast

You know: if what you want is to “save” calories, do not skip breakfast. So, instead of spending the first hours of the day hungry, choose this satiating option that provides you with just 200 calories. It also provides antioxidants from tomato that have been shown to be beneficial in preventing cardiovascular disease.

Menu 1

  • 1 cup of infusion of your preference.
  • 1 vegetable sandwich with whole wheat bread, lettuce, tomato and fresh cheese.

Anti-stress breakfast

Have a busy business day? Do you feel that you will be the prey of stress? Then go for this delicious 225-calorie energy breakfast with anti-stress properties. The foods that make it up provide nutrients that enhance the balance of well-being hormones.

The polyphenols in tea are very effective in promoting weight loss, as stated in a study published in Molecules .

Menu 2

  • 1 cup of green tea infusion.
  • 1 chopped pear.
  • Whole grains with oat milk.

To achieve a good mental performance


If your daily activities require a high level of concentration and mental performance, do not hesitate to prepare this breakfast rich with essential nutrients. It contains more calories than the previous options (about 470), but it is a great alternative to relieve morning fatigue and mental blockage.

Menu 3

  • 1 glass of skim milk.
  • oatmeal with nuts.
  • 1 apple or banana.

To take care of heart health

Do you have high cholesterol levels? Do you have blood pressure problems? Well, if you suffer from cardiovascular problems, prepare this delicious menu. Thus, you can take care of the heart. Its high content of dietary fiber and its antioxidant compounds help eliminate lipids in the arteries and strengthen the heart muscle.  

At the same time, there is evidence that the omega 3 contained in nuts are capable of improving the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Menu 4

  • 1 cup of green tea infusion (250 ml).
  • 1 portion of whole wheat bread with natural tuna.
  • a handful of walnuts.
  • 1 chopped kiwi.

Breakfast for athletes


If you are an athlete or do activities with high physical impact, you should prepare a breakfast with quick sugars to boost your energy levels. A good portion of carbohydrates with proteins and antioxidant compounds, allows you to improve your physical performance during these activities.

Menu 5

  • 1 glass of orange juice.
  • 1 slice of whole wheat bread with serrano ham.
  • a handful of nuts with a teaspoon of honey.

What to do if you have little time for breakfast

have breakfast

To enjoy a balanced, healthy and complete breakfast, you do not always have to invest too much time. In fact, it is enough to put into practice a few simple tips so that you never miss:

  • Waking up 15 to 20 minutes earlier than usual. Thus, you can invest this time in preparing breakfast.
  • Plan breakfasts for the week. If you write down what you are going to have for breakfast, you can put the food on hand the night before.
  • Prepare a smoothie or smoothie . These quick-to-make drinks combine the necessary ingredients to make your breakfasts the complete and light meals that your body needs to start the day.

Prepare breakfasts to lose weight

Do you dare to try these delicious breakfasts? Try to prepare these menus and see how good they are to keep you vital. Remember that the regular practice of physical activity will also be decisive.

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