Sagging Skin After Losing Weight? 7 Tips To Reaffirm It

Have you ever lost weight in a very short time? Then, you probably also have sagging skin, especially in the area of ​​the arms and abdomen. 

Sagging skin after losing weight is a frequent occurrence. It happens, especially, when we lose a lot of weight in a very short time. Sometimes it happens in such a short time that the dermis cannot adapt to new physical conditions.

Hence the importance of avoiding so-called miracle diets when one wants to lose excess pounds. The recommended thing, in these cases, is that the loss of body fat takes place in a healthy way. That is, as a result of a balanced diet, accompanied by adequate physical exercises for this purpose.

As you might expect, this is something that will take time; time that we should not accelerate if we want to avoid sagging skin.

However, if for whatever reasons you find yourself on the assumption that you have sagging skin, don’t despair. There is a solution before reaching the surgical intervention.

We can firm the skin if we follow the right strategy. In general, we will tell you how:  do physical exercises regularly and eat better than usual. In this article, we will tell you the details to correct sagging skin after losing weight.

1. Eat the right proteins

Banana and spinach

The first tip to treat sagging skin after losing weight, in this case is not the consumption of fruits and vegetables, but protein. Proteins are the only ones that can nourish the muscle and skin tissues that we need to firm.

Those proteins could be of animal or plant origin. However, it is best to go for “lean protein”; that is, the one that helps us to tone sagging skin in a healthy way.

Here are some foods that contain it:

  • Salmon
  • Chicken or turkey breast
  • Egg
  • Oatmeal
  • Spinach

2. Drink plenty of water

It is not about compulsory drinking 2 liters of water or more. It’s about staying hydrated.

Here are some tips that could make your task easier:

  • Drinking sips of water every half hour could help us maintain the level of hydration that the body needs to function properly.
  • You do not have to drink only water, but you can alternate its consumption with that of other healthy drinks. An example of this could be infusions or even add some fruit to the water.

Staying hydrated is key to promoting skin repair.

3. Jump rope

jump the rope

We pointed it out at the beginning: to combat sagging skin after losing weight, we must exercise. Now, it is not about doing just any exercise. We need to follow routines that help us strengthen our muscles.

  • E mpieza exercises whose difficulty level is lower. As time passes and your physical condition improves, you can increase both the intensity and the number of repetitions. Far from what we are pursuing, the opposite could have harmful effects on our health.
  • A particularly effective exercise for toning muscles is skipping rope. When your physical condition allows it, you could do 15-minute sessions, twice a day.  They will certainly take a lot of effort on your part, but it will reward you to see the results.

4. Infusion of cinnamon with honey

Cinnamon with honey is an effective remedy to  prevent bone and muscle oxidation.

  • A very appetizing way to start the day is to prepare a simple cinnamon infusion with a little honey. Let’s try, yes, that it is organic honey. That is, the one to which no sugar has been added in the production process.
  • Drink it on an empty stomach. It will help you in your purpose of firming sagging skin after you have lost weight.

5. Aloe vera

aloe vera

There are many virtues of aloe vera. In fact, even more benefits are being discovered from this medicinal plant. Despite this, many people are unaware that it is very suitable for treating sagging skin after losing weight.

Yes, aloe vera is one of the best moisturizers and repairers for damaged skin. Its active ingredients, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals help treat the areas most affected by stretch marks.

  • To benefit from it, you just have to give yourself a massage every day with the gel that you extract from its leaves.
  • Let it act for a few minutes.
  • And, wash with warm water afterwards.

6. Weight training exercises to treat sagging skin after losing weight

Continued exercise is key to firming sagging skin. For this, it is necessary to put all the will and establish a schedule that you dedicate exclusively to those routines.

The exercises you do should be aimed at increasing muscle tone. This is a way to strengthen the tissues connected to the skin. Thus, it will be able to adapt little by little, to the new weight.

Weight training is one of the exercises that could most help you achieve this goal. 

  • If you chose to go to the gym, instructors could show you how to work the most critical areas without hurting yourself. These are the best people to avoid carrying excess weight, which could damage the joints.
  • If you decide to do weights at home, do them carefully. Try to measure your limits. And, try to work not only the arms, but also the abdomen, combining weight lifting with other exercises.

Woman exercising with dumbbells

7. Foods that help us produce collagen and elastin

To repair sagging skin after losing weight, it is essential to provide the body with the necessary nutrients. This will help you to regain not only your firmness, but also your elasticity.

We must, therefore, consume foods that help us synthesize collagen and elastin, two essential elements for skin health.

Here is a list of foods that you could incorporate into your diet to achieve this:

  • Tofu
  • Soy
  • Carrot
  • Salmon
  • Yoghurt
  • Walnuts
  • Kale
  • Arugula

To conclude, it is important to remember once again that when it comes to losing weight we must do it in a healthy way. In other words, without rushing or excessively restrictive diets. This almost always generates undesirable side effects.

Sagging skin could undoubtedly be one of those negative consequences. However, if you consistently follow these tips, your skin could gradually regain its firmness and elasticity.

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