Special Masks To Remove Blemishes From The Face

If the spots appear due to a pigmentation problem, we can reduce them with these remedies. We will apply the lemon ones at night, since if the sun hits us it could worsen the condition.

Blemishes on the face are an aesthetic problem that can develop due to multiple factors. They often appear as a result of direct exposure to the sun’s rays ; However, they are also caused by liver diseases, hormonal changes, acne, among other conditions.

They do not usually represent a health problem; Despite this, many seek to minimize them to give their skin a more uniform and healthier appearance. Luckily, in addition to commercial treatments, there are a number of natural recipes that provide similar benefits.

Are you trying to tone them down? Then try some of the masks that we share below. They are ideal preparations for all skin types, as they do not contain aggressive chemical components. Try them now!

Masks to reduce blemishes on the face

Not all blemishes on the face can be completely removed; however, constantly applying some natural treatments can be greatly minimized to give the skin a better appearance. Do you dare to try them?

Aloe vera mask

Aloe vera is one of the most used plants when it comes to skin treatments. In the case of stains that are already located on the face or anywhere on the body, their regular use can help reduce them, leaving the tissues softer and more hydrated.

How to use it?

  • To make this mask you simply have to mix a tablespoon of aloe vera gel or crystal with half a tablespoon of lemon juice .
  • After this, they beat very well until they integrate. This preparation is applied to the affected part, leaving it to act for twenty or thirty minutes. Finally rinse well with warm water.

Oatmeal and lemon mask

Another effective product to minimize facial blemishes is a preparation of ground oatmeal with lemon juice. It is a mask with exfoliating and repairing properties, ideal to give a more uniform appearance to the skin.

How to use it?

  • Take a tablespoon of oatmeal and add half a lemon juice to it. Later they integrate very well and are applied on the stains.
  • Leave on for twenty minutes and wash with lukewarm water. It can be repeated twice a week.

Cucumber mask

Cucumber is one of the kindest natural ingredients for skin health. Thanks to its wealth of antioxidants and water, it serves to hydrate, protect and regenerate. Its regular use is of great help to remove blemishes from the face.

How is it used?

  • To make this mask, you must grate a piece of cucumber with its peel.
  • Afterwards, wash and dry the face very well and proceed to apply this mixture. You can also add half a tablespoon of honey.
  • Finally, it is left to act for 20 to 30 minutes and rinsed.

Natural yogurt mask

Natural yogurt contains lactic acid and vitamins and minerals that regulate the pH of the skin. Its direct application minimizes the appearance of blemishes on the face and, if that were not enough, creates a protective barrier against the aggressions suffered by the skin due to the sun.

How to use?

  • A little natural yogurt should be combined with honey. Then, the mask is spread over the entire face and desired areas.
  • After 15 to 20 minutes, rinse off with warm water.
  • Ideally, repeat your application every night to achieve good results.

Do not forget!

Keep in mind that all home treatments to remove spots and lighten the skin require perseverance, do not think that with two or three applications the spots will disappear, you have to be patient and verify if after about four weeks yes, changes are beginning to be noticed.

Another important aspect to take into account is that home remedies that have lemon as one of their ingredients should be applied only at night only, since lemon in contact with the sun can worsen the condition of the spots.

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