Tips To Show Off A Beautiful Back Without Acne

Do you have pimples on your back? Do you think these could indicate that there is something wrong with your care routine? Would you like to show off an acne-free back? In that case, the first thing to keep in mind is that there may be something you need to correct in your routine to achieve your goal.

Wearing cotton clothing to allow the skin to breathe, showering after exercising, exfoliating gently from time to time and applying moisturizer daily are some of the most recommended measures to take care of your skin and reduce the number of blemishes.

How to get a back without acne and without marks?

The reasons why you can have acne on the back are very diverse. It may be because there is something that causes the excessive production of sebum or fat, for example: the accumulation of dead cells, bacteria and dirt or the use of clothes that do not allow perspiration.

Normally, acne on the body is more painful than on the face, and also more difficult to remove. It affects men and women equally, and unlike acne on the face, it has nothing to do with age, since we can suffer it at any time.

Do you want to show off an acne-free and beautiful back? Take into account then the guidelines of your dermatologist and the advice that we are going to comment on below.

Read: The best tips for radiant skin

1. Take care of the cleanliness of the skin on the back

In your daily showers it is recommended that you pay special attention to your back and how to get a good cleaning. Conventional sponges are generally not suitable as they can accumulate bacteria and be harmful. Use a washcloth or natural sponges where you can apply homemade scrubs that we will recommend below.

Use mild, antibacterial soaps that remove sweat, dirt, and excess sebum. Especially after exercising. Dispense with perfumed soaps. It is better to opt for those that have neutral formulas.

2. The importance of exfoliation

It is often said that you have to exfoliate your back at least once a week to remove dead cells. However, exfoliation is a procedure that should be tailored to each skin type. Therefore, not everyone should do it with the same frequency.

An ideal exfoliating cream is plain yogurt with chickpea flour or oatmeal. Why? you will ask yourself. Because yogurt contains lactic acid, one of the main ingredients found in many professional chemical peels .

Salt or brown sugar are not good options for exfoliating, as they can cause micro-injuries to the skin and abuse it excessively. Instead, oatmeal or chickpeas exfoliate, but do not scratch the skin.

You can prepare a mixture of honey or yogurt with oatmeal and apply it to your exfoliating mitt or a washcloth. Once you have it in your hand, do small massages on your back, especially where you have pimples or pimples.

3. Other remedies

On a popular level, tea tree oil is considered to be one of the natural antiseptics that could treat acne on the skin. You can find it in health food stores, natural stores and also in pharmacies.

Pine oil

Outside the bottle, it has a whitish color, slightly yellow, with a very characteristic smell. It is also used to reduce blemishes and burns, but above all, to remove acne, since it promotes healing.

You just have to soak a cotton ball with water, drop a drop of tea tree oil, and apply it where you have pimples, blackheads or marks.

It is also believed that honey can provide good results in those moments when, suddenly, we get an acne breakout in a certain area of ​​the back.

You can apply it for 10 minutes on the affected area, then take a shower and then apply Aloe vera (aloe vera) as it is a natural moisturizer as well as a healing.

4. General tips for the beauty of the skin on your back

Acne on the body usually appears almost always on the back and chest, where the sebaceous glands are most active and the pores are more prone to clogging with dead cells. To avoid this, it is recommended that you do not always wear very tight clothing.

  • Whenever you’ve sweated a lot, after doing sports for example, shower immediately and apply an exfoliation.
  • Food is essential to avoid acne breakouts. Increase your consumption of fruits and vegetables, especially those endowed with B vitamins, as they help reduce inflammation and heal wounds.
  • Drink enough water a day and avoid sugary drinks. 
  • Avoid foods high in saturated fat, as this is considered to promote clogged pores.

In case you have any concerns, consult your dermatologist. The professional will be the one who can best advise you once they examine your skin.

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