4 Tricks To Clean Burnt Pans In Minutes

Cleaning burnt pans is one of the most tedious tasks. Although improved soap formulas can make this easier, there are almost always additional tricks required to restore the shine to your surface.

In addition, it is important to bear in mind that improper handling of these elements can accelerate their deterioration. Therefore, using inappropriate products or excessively abrasive sponges is not the best option to remove those residues that do not come out with conventional detergent.

Therefore, before mistreating the material, it is convenient to learn some homemade methods that will help to leave them impeccable in a matter of minutes.

So,  next, we want to share the 4 best tricks  to face this problem.

Tricks to clean burnt pans without difficulty

Spending too much time trying to clean burnt pans is a thing of the past. In recent years, a  few simple tricks have been shared to help you do this without much difficulty.

Ready to try it? Take note!

1. White vinegar and baking soda

Vinegar and baking soda can kill odors

Both white vinegar and baking soda have various applications in household cleaning. In this case, they loosen the remains stuck to the bottom of the pans and leave their surface shiny and clean.


  • ½ cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1 cup of water (250 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (30 g)


  • First, pour the white vinegar over the burned pan.
  • Next, add the cups of water and bring it to a boil.
  • Later, remove the pan from the heat and add the baking soda. At this time you will notice an effervescent effect.
  • Then, rub it with a sponge or scouring pad and discard the residue.
  • Finally, if it sticks, rub in more dry baking soda.

2. Potato and salt

Although it may seem strange to many, it is possible to clean burnt pans with a potato and coarse salt. This combination of ingredients is a 100% natural “exfoliant” that, due to its texture, removes sticks without affecting the surface of the utensil.


  • A raw potato
  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt (10 g)
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil (5 g)


  • First, cut the potato in half.
  • Then, rinse the pan and remove any sauces or food.
  • Next, sprinkle it with a tablespoon of coarse salt.
  • Then rub it in using the cut potato.
  • Then scrub the surface for a few minutes, using circular motions.
  • Subsequently, remove the residues with water.
  • Finally, drop a teaspoon of olive oil to protect the surface.

3. Coarse salt and aluminum foil


The coarse salt and foil trick is recommended for cleaning burned pans, especially iron ones. Its application does not wear down the surface and allows to remove those remains of food that remain stuck with use.


  • 1 tablespoon of coarse salt (10 g)
  • Aluminum foil


  • First, sprinkle a tablespoon of salt over the surface of the skillet.
  • Next, make a ball out of aluminum foil. Next, use it to scrub the burned parts.
  • Then rub until the paper is dark.
  • Finally, rinse with the usual dish soap.

4. Baking soda and lemon

baking soda for cleaning

The astringent power of baking soda can remove grease and food residues that affect the surface of dirty pans. In addition, combined with lemon, it helps to easily remove the burnt appearance.


  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (20 g)
  • ½ lemon


  • First, spread the baking soda over the pan you want to clean.
  • Then, take half a lemon and rub the surface.
  • Finally, scrub for a few minutes, until you notice that the utensil takes on a shiny appearance.

Note: if the dark spots on the pan do not disappear, preheat it with a little vinegar.

To keep in mind!

Although the aforementioned tricks are aimed at cleaning burned pans, they can also be applied on pots or any similar utensil. In fact, as an option, they can be used as a solution to clean the glues of the stoves.

Still not trying them at home? Keep them in mind from now on and stop complicating yourself when it’s time to clean burned pans.

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