Don’t You Sleep Well At Night?

If you don’t get a good night’s sleep, the problem may have to do with your sleep habits, such as using electronics or engaging in stimulating activities before going to bed. We tell you more about it.

A quality rest is essential to recover from daily efforts and face each day with energy. In fact, lack of sleep is related to different health problems. If you do not sleep well at night, and you want to change this situation, it may be necessary to explore the conditions that cause this problem.

Therefore, the first step is to identify the habits you have before and during bedtime. Here are some keys that can help to detect them.

Why don’t you sleep well at night?

If you are one of those who spend nights awake or who wake up several times after falling asleep, you may be interested in considering some of these guidelines to improve your night’s rest.

1. Sleep in a dark place

Sleep mask

A little bit of light, such as a lamp or television on, can alter the biological clock. Even the brightness of the clock on the nightstand affects some people. Therefore, if you do not sleep well, it is preferable to close the bedroom door, turn off all the lights, put up dark curtains or blinds, cover the clock and, if necessary, wear an eye mask.

2. Keep the room temperature below 21 ° C

During winter, the heating is usually too high, which is not favorable if you do not sleep well at night. Plus, it will make it harder for you to get up in the morning. The optimal temperature to rest correctly is around 20 ° C, at any time of the year. Both a very cold and a very hot room can cause problems falling asleep or staying asleep.

3. Getting away from electromagnetic fields is key if you don’t sleep well at night

Electromagnetic fields are generated by the electronic devices that we have in the room (mobile, computer, television) and also those that are in the house (Internet modem, microwaves, telephone antennas or cable television). In relation to this, a study in the Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine found that exposure to them, especially at night, is associated with greater sleeping complications.

It is important to know that, although having these appliances on hand is necessary, there is always the possibility of moving away certain devices and limiting their use in the hours before going to bed.

4. Remember that the bed is a place to sleep

There is also the case of those who take different tasks to bed, such as work, studies or food. However, to associate this space with sleep, it is necessary that the stimuli present at bedtime have to do precisely with rest and relaxation, and not with other activities outside of that purpose.

For example, reading is a good exercise to fall asleep, as long as the reading is playful and does not include anything work or academic. Also, you can opt for meditation to clear your mind and achieve a better rest.

5. Maintaining regular hours is also essential if you do not sleep well at night

If you always go to bed at the same time and wake up at a similar time each day, it will be easier for the body to adjust to a schedule or a certain rhythm. Although sometimes there are variations, for a particular event, maintaining a constant routine will allow you to create a healthy habit regarding sleep.

To sleep

6. Avoid stimulating activities or substances in the hours before

Doing intense sports in the late afternoon can increase the energy of the body and delay the moment when you are able to fall asleep. The same happens if you consume beverages such as tea or coffee, since the caffeine content makes you stay awake longer.

When to go to the doctor?

Lack of sleep is related to different metabolic and psychological disorders. Therefore, with these guidelines we wanted to expose some useful habits to improve the quality of night rest. However, if despite applying them, the difficulties remain and affect the performance of the daily routine, it is essential to go to the doctor to find the appropriate treatment.

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