Know The 9 Alternative Uses Of Beer In Your Home

Beer is one of the oldest traditional drinks in the world. It is obtained from the germinated grains of barley or other cereals whose starch is fermented in water with yeast.

Undoubtedly, it has been part of hundreds of cultures worldwide, who have valued it for its refreshing effect and nutritional properties.

And, although it is part of the group of alcoholic beverages, its nutritional composition provides benefits to the body when ingested in moderate amounts.

In addition, it provides only 45 calories per 100 ml and is a significant source of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

What very few imagine is that, beyond these qualities, it has a series of alternative uses in the home that could facilitate many tasks.

This time we want to share the 9 best so that you do not hesitate to take advantage of them from now on.

1. Clean wooden furniture with beer

of beer clean wood

The leftover beer that you have after a celebration can be used to restore shine and cleanliness to your wooden furniture.

In addition, its active ingredients remove dirt and facilitate the removal of small moisture stains or difficult substances.

How to use it?

  • Dampen a microfiber cloth with the product and rub it on the desired surfaces for a couple of minutes.

2. Polishing the pots

Did you know that the acidic compounds in beer are useful for polishing and cleaning metal items such as pots.

How to use it?

  • First, take some beer and apply it directly on the pots or copper elements.
  • And then, rub it with a soft cloth and let it dry.

3. Fertilize the garden and plants


Likewise, the yeast and natural sugars that this drink contains are useful for fertilizing orchards, lawns and potted plants.

Likewise, its vitamins and minerals improve the quality of the soil and promote the healthy growth of your crops.

How to use it?

  • Water the surroundings of your plants with a little beer.
  • Repeat its use twice a week.

4. Remove stains from clothes

Incredibly, this product can also be used as an environmentally friendly method of removing tough stains from clothes and carpets.

Its compounds remove dirt from fabrics and provide a softening effect.

How to use it?

  • You should apply a stream of beer on the affected areas of the fabric, let it rest for 30 minutes and rinse it as usual.

5. Clean jewelry

clean beer jewelry

As with pots and metal objects, beer can brighten some dull jewelry.

Also, you can use it to give a better look to your rings, bracelets, chains and all the accessories you want.

How to use it?

  • First, pour a can of beer into a container and soak the jewelry for 12 hours.
  • Then, after this time, remove them and polish them with a soft cloth.

6. Loosen the stuck screws

The carbonic acid in beer is helpful in softening the rust that causes the screws to get stuck.

How to use it?

  • Drizzle some cold beer on the screws, wait a few minutes and loosen them.

7. Increase hair volume

of beer in the hair

The nutritional properties of beer provide many benefits to hair health, thus improving the health of the scalp, regulating its natural pH and promoting healthy growth.

Its regular application provides a volumizing effect, controlling frizz and excess dryness .

How to use it?

  • Pour a can of beer into a spray bottle and spray it all over your hair.
  • Allow it to act for 20 minutes and rinse with plenty of water.

8. Soften the calluses of the feet

The direct application of beer on the feet is an excellent natural remedy to soften calluses.

Its antimicrobial compounds reduce bacterial growth and prevent fungal infections.

In addition, since it has natural acidic substances, it regulates the pH of the skin and prevents bad smells.

How to use it?

  • Add a can or two of beer to a tub of warm water.
  • Soak your feet for 20 minutes and, after this time, scrape off the corns with a pumice stone.
  • Repeat the procedure two or three times a week.

9. Marinate the meats

of beer meats

Both chicken and meats receive a very special touch when marinated with beer and spices.

This drink works as a meat tenderizer, since its nature is not as acidic as other wine or vinegar marinades.

How to use it?

  • Poke a few holes in the meat, add any herbs or spices you like, and place it in a container with beer.
  • Let it rest for two hours before cooking, or bake it for an hour.

As you have just noticed, more than a delicious and refreshing drink, beer is an excellent ally for some tasks in our house.

Now that you know how to use it alternatively, be sure to make the most of it.

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