Discover An Effective Test To Know If You Are Stressed

How many times have we heard about stress and its health consequences? Stress alters the balance of the body, predisposes us to different diseases. However, in many cases, we are not aware of it. Therefore, it is essential to know the signs or symptoms and thus know if you are stressed.

Stress is not synonymous with “having a lot to do”. Rather, it corresponds to an attitude that we can adopt very unconsciously. In this article we explain how you can tell if you are suffering from stress.

What is stress?

Stress is a nervous imbalance that occurs when something distresses us, worries us or keeps us permanently stressed. Our body instinctively interprets that there is imminent danger. All the resources of our body are then directed to facilitate a “flight.”

In the short term, the sympathetic nervous system kicks in. Thus, the work of the muscles is facilitated, increasing our blood pressure and promoting rapid and shallow breathing. On the other hand, other types of functions not essential to flee are relegated to a second term. Like, for example, the digestive process or sleep.

If we really had to flee or face a momentary conflict, this would be the mechanism by which we could resolve it. But the problem arises when this state takes longer than necessary. If you continuously live in a state of alert, then it would be good for you to take this simple test to see if you are stressed.

How does it affect our health?

The longer we have been stressed, the more organ functions that are not a priority in a flight will suffer. Therefore, some of the most common disorders that we suffer when we are subjected to stress are digestive:

  • Dyspepsia or poor digestions
  • Diarrhea or constipation
  • Upset stomach

Sleep disorders, headaches and lack of energy or concentration are also common for the same reason.

As the period of stress lengthens, we will also notice more and more imbalances:

  • Dermatological problems, such as acne or eczema
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart failure
  • Diabetes
  • Overweight or extremely thin

Stress and cholesterol

It is important to note that cholesterol can be a good indicator of our stress level. According to some studies, cholesterol is more related to stress than to diet. That would explain why people who eat in a balanced way or who even go on a diet when they detect high levels of stress, continue to have cholesterol despite the changes.

Obviously, diet is essential for the treatment of high cholesterol. But we should never forget that stress can be very harmful and contribute to staying at high levels.

Find out if you are stressed

Here are some questions that you can answer to find out if you are stressed or are going through a period of great stress.

  • Your friends or family say that you never stop doing things, that you are always busy, that you are hyperactive.
  • You can go from joy to discouragement very easily.
  • It’s getting harder and harder to stay focused on work.
  • You are worried about financial or family issues.
  • You feel like you need more time for yourself.
  • You often think of past issues that make you feel guilty or resentful.
  • You consume a lot of stimulants like coffee, tobacco, alcohol, or cola drinks.
  • You would like to eat in a more balanced way.
  • You are a very overprotective person and you suffer for others.
  • You have a hard time getting a good night’s sleep and resting at night.
  • You have muscle spasms and body tension.
  • You would like to change things in your life.

Test result

To find out your stress level, you must add 1 point for each affirmative answer. And half a point if you have doubted or your answer would be “sometimes”. Negative answers are equal to 0 points.

  • Between 9 and 12 points : before taking this test, you may already begin to realize that you are living with high stress. However, it is important that you are aware of the seriousness of the situation in order to deal with it correctly. If you have obtained this score, it is very likely that you need a fundamental change in your life. You have to learn to listen to your body and take measures that make your anxiety level radically decrease.
  • Between 6 and 8 points : surely in the day to day you live moments of anxiety, nervousness or irritability that are greatly affecting your quality of life. Begin to prioritize what your body is asking you to avoid reaching a situation that has serious consequences for your health.
  • Between 3 and 5 points : your body is beginning to show signs of stress, but you have time to solve it. Prioritize a balanced diet, exercise several times a week and don’t forget to find time for yourself.
  • Between 0 and 2 points : stress is not the greatest of your worries and it could be said that you lead a life without ups and downs.

Normally, stress usually disappears when the stressor that causes it disappears. For example, work overload, rush, little time to do an activity, meeting with bosses … Hence, it is essential to identify what is the cause that triggers these reactions in your body and to know if you are stressed.

Images courtesy of Park Ranger, alessandra, and RelaxingMusic.

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