Method To Maintain Memory In Old Age

Being old does not mean that we will run out of memory at any time. Lack of mental exercise can also play a role in memory loss.

All people from our childhood days and unconsciously begin to exercise memory:

  • When we started studying at school.
  • Later in school we are assigned tasks and workshops that have the purpose of teaching us to exercise memory, and for this same reason it is our duty to continue exercising it every day.

In this opportunity we will be able to learn some techniques that can be effective to exercise memory and to be able to remember events that have happened in our lives.

These exercises do not ensure that we reach old age with an excellent memory, since a cause for some neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s has not yet been found.

Recommendations to exercise memory

These recommendations will not make us keep our memory per se. As we said, there are diseases such as Alzheimer’s of which the cause is unknown, and there is no treatment that can prevent it by itself. However, these exercises may help you exercise your memory:

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Pay attention

One of the most important recommendations is to pay attention when they tell us something or when we do something. This way it will be easier to remember. Many people do not lose the ability to memorize, what happens is that they do not pay attention.

Repetition is the key

It is important to repeat the event that you want to keep in memory for a long period of time several times. Repeat is important!

Remember small amounts of information

Memorizing a large amount of information at the same time is very difficult for anyone, therefore it is recommended to divide it and memorize it in parts.

Organize your life and your memory

To be able to easily remember the place where we left some important objects, such as:

  • Keys to the car or house
  • Documents, among others,

This is why it is important to be organized and have a fixed place for each of them, so we will find them easily.

Take notes

In order not to forget pending matters, it is advisable to have a notebook in which each of these matters will be written, that way there will never be a forgetfulness to regret.

Do mental exercises

Some fairly simple and very effective exercises to strengthen memory and prevent it from deteriorating are:

  • Take some frequently used items and move them around, then try to remember where you kept them.
  • You can also change the route to get home or work on a regular basis.
  • On the other hand, you can have fun and spend some time practicing with some video games, or if you prefer you can do crossword puzzles, word search or find the right way through some maze games.

Food is essential

It is important to consume foods rich in vitamin C, phosphorus, omega 3 and folic acid; These can be: fish, nuts and raisins.

Free yourself from stress

Practice some exercises to help you get rid of stress:

  • Listen to your favorite music
  • Take walks in the open country while maintaining a relaxing contact with nature

This is how these can be very healthy habits for both the body and the mind, which we can do frequently so that our memory is always intact.


Memory loss with age is a normal process. Little by little the ability to learn and remember things diminishes. Even so, sometimes this problem begins to worsen and become a pathology. It can be a mild cognitive impairment or even a more significant dementia.

In these cases, appropriate treatment and monitoring by specialists is necessary. The most common dementia is Alzheimer’s disease. It usually starts small and ends up degenerating into total dependency. We recommend that you consult a specialist if you think you are having recurring memory losses.

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