Discover Which Is The Best Facial Scrub According To Your Skin Type

The use of the appropriate facial scrub can help us to greatly improve the skin of the complexion, since it is a simple habit that improves skin regeneration and gives us firmness and luminosity, while eliminating impurities.

Discover in this article which is the best facial scrub, based on natural and homemade ingredients, according to your skin type.

Types of scrubs


These scrubs are characterized by a grainy texture that, when rubbed against the skin through a massage, causes the elimination of dead cells.

We can use them alone or mix them with other more creamy ingredients, such as aloe vera gel or vegetable oils.


The chemical scrub works through acids. Within this category are included the softest and most natural ones, which are those produced by the enzymes of fruits and vegetables.

To use them we must apply the ingredient in question on the skin, let it dry for a few minutes and rinse our face with water.

Man exfoliating his skin

Both types of scrubs are effective and offer us different alternatives for each type of skin.

Despite this, we always recommend avoiding unnatural chemical exfoliants that we can buy as conventional cosmetic products as they are harmful to our skin.

The facial scrub for every skin

Find out below which facial scrub is best for your skin. You can exfoliate every week or every two weeks if your skin is dry or delicate.

Dry Skin

Dry skin needs deep hydration daily, morning and evening, to avoid drying out and the premature appearance of wrinkles. It is usually a beautiful skin but it must be taken care of a lot so that it does not spoil.

It is very important to choose the right facial scrub, since most of them could dry out this type of dermis even more.

We recommend using a mild enzymatic scrub such as pineapple.

  • We can use a piece or the inner part of the shell when we peel it.
  • It is possible that we notice a little itching if we have a wound or open pore.

Oily skin

For people who have oily skin, it is very convenient to use a facial scrub once a week and they will even notice its effects immediately, since the skin will be soft and without shine.

  • The scrub that best removes oil is sea salt which, in the case of the skin, we recommend using fine granules. If it were for the body, we could use coarse salt.
  • Salt cleanses deeply, while providing minerals and trace elements to our skin.

Sea salt

Mixed skin

Combination skin, which is characterized by dry and other fatty areas, requires a neutral facial exfoliator to help balance the sebum but without drying out the skin.

  • The most suitable product is sugar. We can use fine-textured whole cane sugar and combine it, if we wish, with a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil.

Sensitive skin

Sensitive skin is the same as dry skin. They need specific peels, not too frequent, but with the right products.

  • In this case we will opt for another enzymatic option, thanks to the incredible properties of tomato for the skin.
  • It is also very suitable for when we suffer burns on the skin.

Mature skin

Foods that damage the skin

Mature skin often suffers from the appearance of wrinkles and spots, which must be fought with exfoliations that enhance the regeneration of the outer layers of the skin.

In this way we will achieve firmer, more homogeneous and luminous skin.

  • To exfoliate mature skin, we recommend crushing grape seeds, which are rich in resveratrol, one of the most powerful antioxidants available.
  • We can even leave the seeds for a few minutes on the face to achieve a rejuvenating exfoliating mask.

Acne skin

Acne skin requires a medium exfoliator to help alkalize the skin’s pH and fight superinfection. The solution is found in baking soda.

We can add a few drops of tea tree essential oil to multiply its benefits.

We hope that you have found the facial scrub that is best for your skin type and that you take advantage of all its benefits. Enjoy a much more luminous, hydrated and purified complexion.

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