While We Procrastinate, Life Hurries

 John Lennon once said that ” life is what happens while we are making other plans .” By this, he meant that we live as if there is no limit to our time when, in reality, time is the finest thing there is, and it always ends up running out.

Life passes while we continue to wait for better times to come. Sadly, we think this way: “I have to spend more time with my loved ones”, “Next month I go on a diet”, “When I have less work, I will read more”, etc.

But when do we think of doing it immediately? And in drawing up a plan of action? Almost never or never. In other words, something serious usually has to happen to us to get the batteries and say “it is the perfect time to change and act.”

The danger of emotional comfort

Woman on a swing enjoying life

It is difficult to sustain ourselves without prioritizing our desires. We live comfortable being ignorant because that is precisely what allows us to sit on our sofa and not feel guilty.

Comfort is always dangerous.  It is because it does not allow us to see beyond the simple, of how comfortable we are, of what we know and of conformity. Thus, we often fall into the traps that the illusion of well-being in which we believe we live has prepared for us.

What do we miss out on by letting life go by?

In the first place, what we must ask ourselves is what are our doubts, what are we longing for and how we can achieve it. That is, we have to simplify our conflicts.

Do not fool yourself. To live happily, you don’t need to have the best on the market or to mold yourself into a perfect body with the blow of a scalpel. Perhaps the problem is in how you are wanting yourself, not in what you want.

Your fear is not of love, it is of commitment, of being loved and not measuring up. Your problem is not that you do not let go, but that you do not accept that that person has already left. And so on with endless questions.

Moments that we let slip

Woman looking at the sky

We wake up every day as if we had an eternity to ask ourselves how we can fulfill ourselves and take another step in the achievement of our goals. We are forgetting that the sand passes quickly to the other side of the clock and that with each grain we lose a new opportunity.

Because, precisely, what we miss is the opportunity to continue, to climb our mountain, to contemplate the views. We also forget that, for the moment, it is the only life that we have the certainty of being able to share, that is why we let go of moments that will never return.

You should stop to think about what you are letting go over time.  Ask yourself what your values ​​are and think if what is really important is what society expects of you or what you want. This doesn’t have to be incompatible, but your priorities are yours alone.

Life is arranged so that we do not realize that, day after day, the sun goes down very early. We put off our dreams thinking that there will be better times when we can scratch more hours a day.

But we do not realize that our watch does not know the world beyond the 24 hours that it knows how to mark. Thus, the only option we have to fight with our dreams is the one that gives us today.

What we learn over time

Hourglass symbolizing the passage of life

We are so busy dreaming and programming the future that we spend our present time packing up those dreams we plan to fulfill one day and sending them to a destination we may never be in.

Over time we understand that life passes before us once, that it does not go around the bush, and that when it does, it gives us the option to appreciate the little things it offers us.

Living is precisely this. In recognizing the paths that give us the clues to understand that our better half does not exist, that he is inside us and that, if we keep looking outside for what is inside, we will never find it.

So, over time, you realize that you have to ” mess up your world” if you want to become different and have your own happiness.

How to start living?

Girl in a balloon

Living our life in the first person is the only way to truly know ourselves. We agree that this poses great difficulty. However, the prize we get for it is worth its weight in gold.

To create a good staging, we need to complete our concerns. Here are some tips :

Live in the first person and without inertia

Lose the fear you have of yourself. I mean, your barriers are yours. It is you who imposes them and it is you who prevents you from living. Therefore, it is up to you to locate and eliminate them.

Live the moment

Every second of our life contains teachings that we dismiss as immediate. We attach little importance to the habitual and the fleeting, letting learning slip away. Do not wait for the negative to come into your life to start taking advantage of every second. Do it now!

Reflect on yourself and your world

Do it without fear. Even if you are far from your ideals, thinking about it is the first step to get closer. Just as the blacksmith has to know everything necessary about metals or techniques, to become whole people it will be necessary, first, that we know how we are and want to be.  In short, how we want to live .

Live consciously

Have you ever wondered if you are failing yourself? Are you being responsible to yourself and your environment? Pursue clarity, put mental laziness aside and ask yourself questions, lots of questions. Living thoughtlessly only leads to vital failure.

Be honest with yourself

When it comes to answering you, don’t fool yourself. Keep your personal reputation clean. It’s about believing and trusting yourself. This will make us behave naturally and encourage the growth of our self-esteem.

Relegating our interests, our enjoyment and our life to the background leads to problems, including emotional ones. As Einstein said,  we cannot solve a problem from the same level of understanding that we created it at .

Therefore, it is clear that something has to change and that change will only begin when we begin to hunt for the answers that lead us to act.

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