The Apple Peel To Reduce Inflammation And More

Those who dispose of the apple peel in the trash are making a serious mistake, since, as with other types of fruit, a large part of its nutritional qualities and, respectively, its contributions to health are concentrated in this part.

The multiple benefits of its active principles are supported by several studies and articles, one of them collected by the Journal of Research and Information in Health

Next,  we will comment on all these benefits that are obtained by ingesting them and a simple recipe to take advantage of it for the benefit of digestion and reduction of inflammation.

Benefits of consuming apple peel

1. Strengthens cardiovascular health

A large amount of flavonoids and a type of fiber known as ‘pectin’ are concentrated in the apple peel, which plays an important role in controlling high cholesterol, as it helps reduce its concentration.

In addition, it contains a significant amount of quercetin, a substance that has a great tonic effect on the heart and helps improve circulation.

Thanks to all this, the intake of the apple (with everything and its skin) helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and  reduce the risk of developing certain diseases, such as atherosclerosis and heart attack.

Doctor teaching a heart

2. Improves digestion

Gastric health is the one that benefits the most from the consumption of the skin of this food. Its pectin supports digestive function, helps to break down food more easily and fights problems such as constipation (when eaten cooked) according to an article in the journal Medicine.

Thanks to this, eating apple peel helps prevent abdominal pain, gas, diarrhea, bloating; while helping to combat gastritis.

3. Helps to reduce inflammation of the belly

It is good to reduce inflammation of the belly

This part of the apple can help reduce inflammation of the belly for several reasons:

  • Its anti-inflammatory effect helps control these processes in the body’s tissues.
  • It favors the digestive processes and the elimination of waste substances.
  • Thanks to its concentration of ursolic acid, it can help reduce fat accumulation.
  • Given its high fiber content, it works as an appetite suppressant; which is ideal for those people who do not achieve their proper weight due to anxiety to eat between meals.

4. Helps to gain muscle mass

To gain muscle mass, an adequate intake of protein and other important nutrients that the body requires to function in perfect condition is required.

Not only does the apple peel provide you with fiber and a slight amount of protein, but you also get the benefits of ursolic acid, which reduces muscle wasting and promotes muscle growth.

It is believed that ingesting it could complement the treatment of muscle atrophy, a disease characterized by a decrease in muscle mass.

5. Prevents premature aging

Due to its contribution of antioxidants such as quercetin, epicatechin and procyanidins, its intake helps prevent premature aging of the skin, which is usually caused by the action of free radicals.

Take advantage of the apple peel!

This digestive drink is one of the many ways to make the most of all the properties that apple peel provides.

In this case, it is combined with ingredients such as cinnamon, lemon and honey, whose properties help control all symptoms or discomfort of the digestive system.

The best thing about this drink is that it is perfect to reduce inflammation of the belly and works as a support for the diet.


  • 1 lemon
  • 1 cinnamon stick.
  • 2 glasses of water (500 ml).
  • The peels of 2 apples.
  • 5 teaspoons of honey (25 g).


  • Bring a pot of water to a boil over medium heat.
  • Before the water boils, add the apple peels and cook for 5 minutes.
  • Add the cinnamon stick, cover the pot and let it rest for 10 minutes over low heat.
  • When the time has passed, turn off the heat, strain the infusion and add a little lemon juice and honey.
  • Stir several times with a spoon to integrate everything.
  • Enjoy the moment. Preferably, before lunch and another at dinner.

How to make an apple peel digestive drink


We recommend you drink this drink with apple peel daily to obtain all its benefits. Also, avoid adding sugar and if you want to sweeten it, the best option will be honey.

Apple peel is a food that should not be wasted. And, in general, the fruit itself is ideal to include in various ways in the diet, with everything and your skin.

As you may have noticed, there are many reasons not to throw away the shells ever again. From now on you can eat them together with the apple or incorporating them in natural drinks. Enjoy them!

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