How To Avoid The Formation Of Kidney Stones

To avoid the formation of stones it is very important that we stay properly hydrated, in order to eliminate toxins and prevent calcium from accumulating in the kidneys

Kidney stones, popularly known as kidney stones, are solid materials that form and accumulate in these organs. In some cases, their expulsion can be very painful and even take some time.

Some people are more prone to kidney stones than others. It is essential to see a doctor to be able to treat them on time. The professional may also recommend a preventive treatment to prevent them from forming again. For this reason, in this article we tell you how to prevent them from forming.

To begin with, what are kidney stones?

A stone is a microscopic or very small piece of solid material that forms in the kidney when urine contains high levels of certain substances. A stone can not only stay in the kidney, but also travel down the urinary tract.

In addition, it can come out on its own when urinating or need external help. In most cases it is painful, especially when its size is considerable. Thus, it can hurt when it is flushed with urine.

kidney stones

The most common type of stones are those  caused by an increase in the amount of calcium. When this mineral is not used by the bones and muscles, it is excreted in the urine and, therefore, passes through the kidneys.

Other less common types are uric acid (for those who eat a lot of shellfish and fish or do not drink enough), struvite (after a urinary infection), and cystine (from a genetic disorder that is passed from parent to child). children).

Who is more prone to kidney stones?

There are patients who are more prone to kidney stones. This is the case of people who:

  • They have a condition that alters the percentage of these substances in the urine that cause stones.
  • They have a family history of kidney stones.
  • Have repeated or recurrent urinary tract infections.
  • They suffer from blockages in the urinary tract.
  • They have digestive problems.
  • They don’t drink enough fluids each day.
  • They take certain medications.

kidney stones

How to prevent the appearance of kidney stones?

As a first step, it is important to know the reason why they have appeared, in case you have already suffered them. Once it is expelled, it is examined in the laboratory to determine what type it is.

Your doctor will also likely tell you to collect urine 24 hours after removing the stone to analyze which components are at an excessive level.

Both people who suffered kidney stones and those who are vulnerable to their formation, it is recommended that they follow a healthy life and comply with the following habits:

Stay hydrated

If you don’t consume a lot of water every day you should start doing it. The fluid serves to prevent calcium from building up in the kidneys or urinary tract. However, it is important to take into account the quality of the water we drink.

Some studies conclude that mineral water with calcium and magnesium could be considered as a possible therapeutic agent in calcium oxalate kidney stones.

Do exercise

You are more prone to kidney stones if a sedentary lifestyle is part of your life. Lack of physical activity for a long period not only makes you fat and increases cholesterol, but also causes a greater release of calcium from the body.

Several studies indicate that exercising reduces the chance of kidney stones by 30%.

Do exercise

You can go for a walk in the park, do yoga, or even take care of the plants in the garden for an hour a day. Any activity that helps you get up from your seat will be welcome.

Consume more magnesium

The lack of this mineral is related to the formation of kidney stones. Magnesium is vital for the assimilation and absorption of calcium.

If you eat a lot of dairy, for example, try adding those foods that provide magnesium to your diet as well. What are the biggest sources?

  • Green leafy vegetables, such as chard and spinach
  • The beans
  • Nuts, such as almonds
  • Seeds (especially pumpkin, sesame, and sunflower)
  • Avocado

Maintain the ideal weight

Obesity is a risk factor not only for the formation of kidney stones, but also for many diseases and ailments. Therefore, it is recommended to pay attention to the appropriate weight and do everything possible (diet and exercise) to reduce it.

Maintain the ideal weight

Eating too much red meat and animal protein is not recommended. These foods are packed with purines, which can cause uric acid stones.

Limit sodium intake

Although we may not realize it, salt is present in many of the foods we eat today. Therefore, it would be good if you did not eat processed foods and that you did not add more salt to your meals.

Valid sodium intake values ​​per day are 2,300 mg for young adults and 1,500 mg for older adults. Choose those foods that indicate “low sodium” or, directly, without salt.

You can also go for sea salt or pink salt instead of refined or table salt.

Eat more citrus

The citric acid contained in fruits such as orange and lemon is a kind of protector of kidney functions. Prevents stones from forming or growing in size. Therefore, drink juices or lemonades on an empty stomach and increase the consumption of any natural citrus fruit.

Take more citrus

As you have seen, kidney stones, while not a serious disease, can be very painful. Therefore, we recommend that you go to your doctor to recommend the most appropriate treatment in your case.

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