Can Pancreatic Cancer Be Prevented?

Cancer of the pancreas (or any other type) is a cause of concern for many people, since it is an incurable disease of great complexity. Therefore, many people wonder if it is possible to avoid it and how.

In relation to this concern, it is worth saying that there is no specific measure that can prevent this disease 100%. However, it has been proven that maintaining a healthy lifestyle contributes significantly to enjoying a good quality of life and reducing the risk of disease development.

Let’s see more below.

Can the pancreas be detected in its early stages?

Pancreas located in the body

Pancreatic cancer (or pancreatic cancer) is difficult to detect in its early stages, since it usually does not present strong symptoms. It is as the disease progresses that the person begins to experience various symptoms, such as weight loss, fatigue, jaundice, among others.

For this reason, it is so important to maintain good lifestyle habits, always follow the doctor’s recommendations, and have regular check-ups. In this sense, it should be remembered that prevention is a great advantage, since it helps reduce the risks of suffering from the disease. It also helps to detect the disease in its early stages and thus increase the chances of successful treatment.

Thus, it is usual for pancreatic cancer to progress silently, without giving too many clues, until it causes some problem to other nearby organs, such as the liver or the gallbladder.

All this means that by the time this disease is diagnosed, the patient is already in a relatively advanced stage in which he will need a much more intense treatment to try to stop the advance of the cancer.

It should be said that all those people subjected to a surgical intervention in which part of the tumor can be removed, usually have a better prognosis. However, it is important to note that each case is unique and depending on your age, health status and other variables, you will have a better or worse prognosis. Hence, it is difficult to offer a standard forecast.

The most common symptoms associated with pancreatic cancer:

  • Jaundice.
  • Vomiting
  • Bellyache.
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Constant tiredness
  • Accused weight loss.
  • Swollen lymph nodes.

Is there any hereditary origin?

According to studies, there is a small hereditary component to take into account, especially when the parents have suffered from pancreatic cancer. However, this incidence is very low, only 15% of patients suffering from this disease had a family history. Despite this, it is an aspect to take into account and that we can always discuss it with our doctor so that they can submit us to the relevant analyzes.

Another fact to take into account is that all patients who have suffered from hereditary pancreatitis have a very high probability of suffering from pancreatic cancer after 70 years of age.

Main risk factors

As we mentioned earlier, today the exact causes of pancreatic cancer are not known. However, several risk factors are taken into account.


People with a very high body mass index and who also lead a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet, rich in fat and low in fiber, have a higher probability than the rest of suffering pancreatic cancer. This risk becomes even more pronounced between 45 and 55 years of age.


According to various studies, many of the patients diagnosed with pancreatic cancer have been smokers. If you are a smoker, it would be advisable to quit this bad habit as soon as possible. 


People who work in places where they are exposed to chemical compounds are more likely to develop this disease. So be very careful if you have an occupation related to the paint, fuel or any other chemical industries that you can inhale.


According to several studies, people with diabetes are twice as likely to develop pancreatic cancer than those without this disease. Likewise, it has also been discovered that patients who present an abnormality in glucose metabolism can also develop it between the ages of 60 and 70.

However, we insist, if this is your case and you suffer from diabetes, you already have a medical follow-up that will monitor any alteration in the functioning of your pancreas at all times.

Is it possible to prevent pancreatic cancer?

Doctor holds a pancreas

Is it possible to prevent pancreatic cancer with a specific habit? NOT. However, living a healthy lifestyle can contribute significantly to reducing your risk of suffering from it. 

Apart from maintaining a healthy weight, it would be good if you follow the following recommendations:

  • Eat a balanced, varied and sufficient diet.
  • Maintain good hydration.
  • Avoid excessive fat consumption.
  • Maintain an adequate intake of fiber.
  • Avoid the consumption of alcohol and tobacco.
  • Eat foods rich in folic acid, such as green leafy vegetables, avocados, strawberries, or peanut butter.
  • Avoid large meals. Instead, try to eat several moderate meals a day (more than 3).

Also, maintain an active lifestyle. Try to walk at least half an hour or forty-five minutes at a brisk pace every day. You can also combine this type of exercise with gym routines, yoga sessions, Pilates or whatever you like the most or attracts your attention.

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