10 Ways To Fight Fatigue And Have More Energy Naturally

Did you know that the cold can help you wake up and raise your adrenaline levels? Try drinking a glass of ice water or taking a cold shower to check

The most common ways to combat tiredness are to turn to caffeine or sugar to boost your energy levels.

Fortunately, There are many better ways to get a little extra boost to get on with your day’s duties without ruining your appetite, getting sugar spikes and crashes, or waiting to sleep at night.

This is a list of the simplest things you can do when you feel drowsy and need to recharge your batteries.

1. Rest and move 

If you are strapped to your desk and you don’t have much space, then at the very least you should stand up, shake your limbs a bit, or try to touch the balls of your feet.

Doing all of this allows circulation and energy to flow better through your body.

If you have a little more space, you can give a ride or even a quick race to get your blood pumping better through your body and thus combat fatigue.

And if, in addition, you can go out to get fresh air and get a little sun, you will be able to combat fatigue much better.

2. Trick your brain

Techniques to combat mental fatigue

If the option of moving your body is not among your possibilities, then you can make your brain move in a different direction.

Maybe doing a crossword puzzle or solving a Sudoku puzzle is the solution to your problem. You can even put your mind to work on something new.

In this way, your brain will keep going and you will shake off the heaviness of working on the same thing without stopping.

3. Use a lemon

It is known to all that the smell of lemon is very useful to revitalize and help stimulate your brain. This is stated in this study carried out by the National Research Center (Egypt).

For this reason, sucking on a lemon candy, sipping some lemon tea, or cutting to the chase and directly biting into a lemon should be something that stops your brain from being sleepy.

In fact, the characteristic citrus smell of some fruits is what makes your brain activate and can combat fatigue .

So, if you prefer, you can choose the option that you like the most or keep trying until you find the one that works best for you.

4. Cool down?

Energetic music can wake you up, So grab your headphones and turn up the volume on your favorite animated song. If, in addition, you dare to sing, your energy levels will rise much more.

On the other hand, get out of your chair and move your feet with a dance cheerful, they will also give you extra energy. Although, at this point, your boss is likely to be a bit surprised by your behavior.

7. Fill up on oxygen

Not literally. We mean any of the breathing techniques used in yoga. And it is that the flow of oxygen that goes to the brain increases, making you wake up.

The “breath of fire” technique is easy to do and you will surely find a video that will help you better understand what it is about.

8. Change your mind

This is simply that you deceive yourself into feeling more energy than you have.

All you have to do is repeat over and over again that you are fully awake and full of energy to do all the activities that you have pending.

You will find it surprising how, almost automatically, you manage to draw energy.

9. Meditatemeditate to combat fatigue

Meditation is very helpful when it comes to reducing stress and improving concentration . You will discover that, if you practice it regularly, it can be an excellent tool to combat fatigue.

You may have tried meditation before but still haven’t gotten over the mid-afternoon slump.

This may be because you haven’t found the right type to suit your true needs.

10. Laugh

Laughter is considered therapeutic thanks to its release of endorphins, which are those hormones that influence your overall well-being and your energy levels. This is stated by this research from the University of Turku.

Therefore, taking a few minutes to laugh at a viral video or share a hilarious moment with someone will help you fight fatigue and perform better at what you do.

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