6 Exercises To Release Tension From The Body

In many cases, when the person is subjected to great stress, the body usually does not know how to differentiate what type of situation they are facing.

There are situations in which feelings of stress predominate, which usually lead to  muscle tension, which when accumulated can cause physical pain. In some cases, in addition, the problem can be complicated.

When the body is in danger, it immediately returns a response that is designed to make the body react. This, physically and mentally prepares the body to survive a threat. The response  contracts the muscles and prepares the body to defend itself.

In many cases, when the person is subjected to great stress, the body does not usually know how to differentiate what type of situation it is facing. This, according to this study carried out by the Universitat de les Illes Baleare, can cause physical problems and associated discomfort.

It usually happens because the signals that the brain sends are usually the same, regardless of whether the problem is a backlog of work or the presence of a life-threatening wild animal.

6 exercises to combat accumulated tension

It is important to see a specialist in the event that the person suffers great pain and general discomfort. Especially in order to avoid possible complications.

Regardless, there is an alternative to help eliminate tension and stress. These are different  exercises that can help relieve pain.

1. Tension in the back

To perform the exercise, first stand up and stretch your arms overhead. Then lean back and let your spine form a kind of arch. Finally, you have to return to the starting position.

It is advisable to repeat about 5 times.

2. Tension in the neck

The neck is usually one of the areas most affected by stress. Through the following exercise you can help to treat the problem.

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First, stand up and spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Place your hands on your waist and move your head back and forth. It is recommended to perform eight repetitions each time.

3. Head and face tension

To execute it, first stand up and stretch your arms over your head. Then move your head gently from side to side. To help you, you can use your hands to facilitate head movement.

Eight repetitions can be performed, four on each side.

4. Tension in the upper muscles

This exercise is focused on relieving accumulated tension in the back, trapezius and neck.

First, stand up and stretch your arms over your head. Subsequently, flex the neck to the right and then to the left. You can use your hands to increase the stretch. Typically, the pose is held for 10 seconds on each side.

5. Tension throughout the body

This exercise is focused on helping to treat the problem in the waist, lower back and lumbar muscles.

Stand up first and stretch your arms overhead. Then, lean your body to the right and slide your left hand over your right arm. To finish, return to the starting position and repeat on the other side.

It’s good to do 8 reps, four on each side.

6. To discharge all kinds of tensions

The exercise is focused on fighting physical, mental and emotional tension.

First, choose a place that is quiet and well ventilated. Then stand or sit with your feet together, relax your eyes and breathe normally. The head should be raised naturally.

Let the arms hang on both sides of the body. If you are sitting, your arms should be resting on your legs. After that, drop your shoulders back and towards the elbows. Unload the weight of the trunk down and towards the pelvis, loosen the waist and feel the strong and solid feet.

Now, in a state of total relaxation, imagine how your head touches the sky while your feet are solidly rooted in the earth. If you feel your body swaying, do nothing, let it express itself until it calms down again by eliminating accumulated tensions.

Try to be in this position for about 5 minutes, although each person usually stays in it for as long as they need. It is about relaxing the mind and calming the body.  It is usually good to rub your hands and massage your face, neck and neck after doing the exercise.

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