Do You Have Dry And Cracked Feet? 5 Remedies To Hydrate Them

To combat dry and cracked feet we need to keep them hydrated, ideally with natural products rich in fatty acids. In addition, we can take the opportunity to include homemade ingredients that help us exfoliate them.

Discover in this article 5 moisturizing remedies to show off perfect feet. We will achieve a soft and smooth skin in the simplest and most natural way. Give them a try!

Remedies for dry and cracked feet

These treatments are very effective in preventing dry and cracked feet in 10 minutes. In this way we manage to avoid dry skin that makes the feet so ugly, especially due to wearing inappropriate footwear and a lack of hydration.

These 5 natural proposals combine an exfoliating and a moisturizing ingredient to achieve a deep and long-lasting result. So we can perform this treatment once a week to have perfect feet throughout the year.

How do we do the treatments?

  • To prepare these remedies we only have to mix both ingredients and massage our feet for 5 minutes.
  • Ideally, do it after a hot bath to soften the skin.
  • Next, we will let the oil act for another 5 minutes and we will wash our feet.

1. Coarse salt and coconut oil

Scrub for dry and cracked feet

The first treatment that we propose for dry and cracked feet is very suitable for when we have deep cracks. Coarse salt is an excellent ingredient for removing dry skin and facilitating the regeneration of new cells. It is an ideal exfoliant for an area such as the feet.

The second ingredient in this treatment is coconut oil, which is becoming increasingly popular as a natural cosmetic and medicinal food. This oil is very rich in essential fatty acids and deeply nourishes the skin, as well as being anti-inflammatory, as suggested by this research by The Himalaya Drug Company.

2. Sugar and almond oil

A second very effective and inexpensive combination to show off perfect feet is that of sugar with almond oil. Sugar is a bit softer than coarse salt, so we recommend it for dry skin or those with shallow cracks. In addition, salt can cause a bit of itch if there are wounds on the heels, while sugar does not present that problem.

Almond oil is a basic ingredient in natural cosmetics, since it is cheap and very nutritious, thanks to its vitamin E content, highly recommended for the skin according to this study carried out by the Government Medical College and Associated SMHS Hospital (India). With this oil we provide elasticity to the skin to prevent it from cracking easily.

3. Baking soda and olive oil

Fight dry and cracked feet with natural remedies

Sodium bicarbonate allows us to exfoliate the skin very gently. Therefore, this treatment is ideal for dry and cracked feet but with sensitive skin. It is very useful to prevent and hydrate the skin with a pleasant massage. In addition, we can use it anywhere on the body, even on the face.

Olive oil is a powerful antioxidant that not only hydrates our feet, but also protects them from external aggressions. It can also help us to calm any irritation or inflammation, as stated in this study carried out by the Brazilian Institute of Cardiology.

4. Coffee grounds and honey

Did you know that coffee grounds can be very useful to exfoliate the skin ? Don’t waste them as they are very effective in smoothing heels, fighting cellulite, and keeping skin soft and smooth. We just have to mix them with the right ingredient.

In this case, we recommend mixing the grounds with honey to prevent dry and cracked feet. Honey is a powerful antibiotic, according to this study carried out by the Central Clinic “Cira GarcĂ­a” that may be suitable for when we have small wounds. In addition, it creates a layer that protects the skin and maintains natural moisture.

5. Beach sand and shea butter

If we have the possibility of getting sand, either on the beach or in some nearby land, we can prepare an ideal exfoliant for the driest and roughest skin. In addition, with the sand we can perform a very pleasant and relaxing massage that will affect our entire body.

Since beach sand exfoliates the feet in depth, we need a very nutritious ingredient to complete this treatment. In this case, we recommend opting for shea butter, a very effective product for drier skin.

This butter softens and regenerates damaged skin, protects it from external aggressions and promotes the healing of cracks and wounds. We will notice that it has a very dense texture, so we may need a towel to remove the remains of the skin.

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