10 Substitute Ingredients For A Lighter Kitchen

These foods can be the first step towards a healthier diet. Do not forget that, if you are trying to lose weight, it is best to go to a dietician who makes a personalized nutritional plan and combine it with regular physical exercise.

Taking care of our diet is very important to enjoy good health. Specialists recommend eating a balanced diet and eating foods low in harmful fats and sugar. However, sometimes we do not know what ingredients to use to prepare healthier dishes. Here are 10 substitute ingredients for lighter cooking.

Ingredients for a lighter kitchen

Do you want to know what ingredients you can use to replace unhealthy foods with healthier and more nutritious ones? Here are 10 basics.

In the event that you want to follow a diet to lose weight, it is best to go to a dietitian who makes a specific and personalized plan. Although there is really no evidence that the consumption of these substitutes will help us lose weight, they can be a first step towards a healthier diet.

There are some varieties that are rich in nutrients, but do not contribute too many calories to the body. Likewise, each food must be objectively evaluated for its impact on body weight, taking into account the quality of the total diet and the lifestyle of each person.

1. Whole wheat flour

It is very common to use flour to prepare different recipes, from cookies to fish or beef. In case you have to use it, it is best to use whole wheat flour instead of refined common flour.

This type of flour is easy to find in any store or supermarket. It is rich in fiber, which can help you digest food better and prevent conditions such as constipation.

2. Applesauce


Sweetening our food or drinks is something we love. However, sometimes we abuse sugar, which is the ingredient most used for it. But abusing sugar can cause serious health problems, like diabetes and being overweight.

To avoid them, you can substitute unsweetened applesauce for sugar, which gives it a mild but pleasant flavor, as well as providing vitamins to the dish or drink. It is very important not to abuse artificial sweeteners, since it has recently been discovered that they can be harmful.

3. Cocoa

If you want to enjoy delicious milk chocolate, we recommend using cocoa powder instead of a regular chocolate bar. The latter, as is known, contain large amounts of extra sugar.

Cocoa powder, on the other hand, is an excellent option because it does not contain added sugar. In this way you can better control the sugar you consume each time you drink this delicious drink. In addition, cocoa is rich in polyphenols that exert antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities.

4. Whole wheat bread

Wholemeal bread

As with flour, it is best to replace regular white bread with one that is whole grain. White bread tends to have a little more sugar, although sometimes the two have the same level of calories. However, whole wheat bread is much more nutritious.

The fiber it contains, in addition to promoting intestinal transit, satisfies us. That is, we tend to fill up earlier and, therefore, consume fewer calories without starving.

5. Olive oil

Although it is widely used in Europe, in other parts of the world (such as the American continent) olive oil is not very popular. If you do not use it, it is best to include it in your daily diet as soon as possible.

Olive oil is rich in monounsaturated fats, and beneficial for heart and skin health. Some studies demonstrated the role of olive oil as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and vasodilator nutrient.

6. Water

In many parts of the world, the consumption of soft drinks is widespread. Of course, this type of drink is extremely harmful to our health, mainly due to the large amount of sugar it contains. The abuse in its consumption has a direct effect on the development of diabetes and obesity.

Therefore, it is best to replace the soda with natural water. If you choose fruit water, remember that it already contains the pulp of the fruit, so it is important not to add sugar.

7. Corn tortillas

Tortillas are a very popular product in Mexico and in some parts of the United States and Latin America. Although those made from corn are usually the favorites, in some places those made from wheat flour are also consumed.

It is very important to remember that those made from corn are healthier, as they contain more nutrients than those prepared with refined wheat flour.

8. Sorbet

Lemon sorbet

If you want a dessert, you can substitute the common ice cream (made with milk) for a sorbet or ice cream made with fruits and water. This last ingredient makes this type of food much lighter, as well as being extremely refreshing. A perfect dessert for a lighter kitchen.

9. Whole wheat pasta

Another common product present in any kitchen is pasta. Replace regular pasta with a whole grain one to obtain more nutrients and take advantage of the benefits of the fiber it contains.

Also, according to some studies, whole wheat pasta may promote a feeling of fullness and reduce hunger.

10. Nuts

Instead of snacks like potato chips or other processed products, the best thing if you need a snack is to eat a handful of nuts. They are foods loaded with nutrients and fats that are beneficial for brain and heart health. In addition to providing you with nutrients, they will fill you up easily (if you don’t eat them too salty).

These foods can be the first step towards a healthier diet. Do not forget that, if you are trying to lose weight, it is best to go to a dietician who makes a personalized nutritional plan and combine it with regular physical exercise.

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