5 Reasons Why You Should Not Go On A Fast Diet

The problem we find when we adopt a fast diet is that, by eating regularly after losing the desired weight, we regain the lost kilos , and even more.

The constant obsession to lose weight, surely, has caused you to decide to look for an eating plan that provides immediate results. A fast diet may be the short-term solution, but it can turn into chaos after a few days of so many restrictions.

This time we will give you 5 reasons why you should not make this error. Losing the pounds you gained on vacations or festivities is a goal that needs planning. These diets are sold as successful, but in certain cases they generate health problems for individuals.

These diets can be destructive. They are characterized by being too hypocaloric, propose an imbalance in the diet and promote disorders in the physical and psychological state of those who resort to them.

5 reasons why you shouldn’t go on a fast diet

These modalities, also known as “miracles”, can negatively impact people’s health. In this sense, we offer you 5 reasons that argue why you should not go on a fast diet.

1. They produce exaggerated weight loss

Consequences of fast dieting.

In very short periods, these diets can cause you to lose weight in an excessive way. Perhaps that is what you are looking for, but we assure you that it is not the best for well-being. These meal plans produce a rebound effect. That is to say that, in a short time, you will also regain the lost kilos.

According to research published in the journal Nutrients , the yo-yo effect of miracle diets has negative consequences for metabolic health.

In this process, neuroendocrine mechanisms are generated that increase appetite and prevent you from feeling full. In addition, they help to activate the storage of energy in the form of fat, which will trigger a slower metabolism.

This becomes a vicious cycle of failed attempts that can lead to diseases in the digestive, excretory and cardiovascular systems.

2. Difficulty maintaining eating habits

These diets are very restrictive and eliminate a large amount of foods that in normal situations provide large amounts of nutrients. An example of this are carbohydrates and proteins.

Therefore, by adopting a fast diet you can suffer from dizziness, fainting spells and headaches. These regimens prevent you from maintaining a balanced diet that helps the body to function properly.

Remember that the desire to have a sculptural body should not prevail over the need to take care of health. All food groups are important. A good eating plan is not about excluding food but about knowing when, how much and how to consume it.

3. Risk of nutritional deficiency

A fast diet seeks to reduce calorie intake and offers a limited variety of foods suitable for healthy eating. During the days you follow it, you will have a low intake of vitamins and minerals.


This situation has been shown to weaken the immune system, which favors the appearance of infections and anemia. In addition, you will lose muscle mass and bone density. Add to this that the skin will become dry and stretch marks may appear, among other things.

4. Weakening of the body

Frequently adopting these diets will generate a greater cost for the body, which will have its long-term consequences. You could suffer from an eating disorder that weakens the capacities of the organs and causes problems in their functioning. It has been shown that eating disorders can put the life of those who suffer them at risk, so its prevention is important

The lack of carbohydrates and proteins contributes to the weakening of the heart. In addition, the situation worsens when you reduce the intake of minerals such as iron, zinc, calcium and magnesium, and vitamins.

5. Run away from the fast diet that bears the name of some famous

These diets, in addition to the restrictions they impose, do not evaluate the individual characteristics of people. They impose a general structure and do not take into account the state of who decides to carry it out.

A nutritionist will always take into account the age, height and physical and psychological conditions of the patient to generate an eating plan that helps him achieve his goals. The goal should always be to take care of our health and find physical and emotional well-being.

Go to the nutritionist before dieting.

Miracle diets will not help you with these claims. If you found on the internet that a famous person is on a diet, seek professional help before applying it. Because that person did hire a specialist who evaluated his condition and designed an exclusive plan, which surely worked and disclosed to advertise him.

When it comes to diets, miracles don’t exist

Remember that when the goal is to lose weight, there are no deities to help or miracles that will make you eliminate them in no time. Perhaps losing more than 2 kilos in a week is a positive “achievement” for your physical condition, but negative for the body.

The process of losing weight must be progressive, and to master it you must be constant. To hasten the results is to subject the organism to a practically warlike situation. Improve your eating habits, eat properly, and exercise.

With these details, the weight loss will be gradual. After two or three months you will no longer have those pesky kilos forever. There will be no rebound effect and the body will thank you. The fast diet is not the best option for you, so we recommend that you go to the nutritionist.

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