Say Goodbye To Foot Pain From Footwear By Applying These Simple Tricks

We bear the full weight of our body with them from the moment we get up. We walk at home, we run when we are in a hurry, we walk in uncomfortable high heels, and we generally subject them to the hectic activities of the day to day. Do you want to say goodbye to the pain in your feet?

Furthermore, the feet are also exposed to suffer from diseases, infections and ailments. Consequently, our quality of life can be affected.

Footwear is one of the main causes of that pain in the feet. Therefore, today we are going to share some simple tips to alleviate and prevent this ailment caused by different types of shoes. Take note!

Tricks to avoid pain in your feet from shoes

1. Change the way you tie them

Sometimes, without being aware of it, we tie our shoes incorrectly and the result is more tired and sore feet. It is not recommended to tighten them too much and not to leave them too loose. The fingers should have some room to move and a tight fit should be achieved.

2. Try the straps on your heels

If your heels do not give you the comfort you expect, you may want to consider strapping them for more stability and security when walking in them.

3. Take breaks

If you’re wearing a tight or high-heeled shoe and have no choice but to wear it all day, then try taking breaks to relax your feet and ease circulation. A good idea is to elevate the feet for 5 minutes so that the blood circulates better.

4. Use gel bows

Gel arches  are inserted into the shoes to avoid impact on the feet when walking in heels. These can be found in shoe stores, pharmacies and even some supermarkets.

Goodbye to the pain in your feet with gel arches

5. Anti-blister protectors

If you suspect that your shoes are going to cause blisters, it is best to get anti-blisters or socks that protect your feet from rubbing with the shoes.

6. Did your shoes get bigger?

It happens a lot with fabric shoes and body-type lining. To solve this, place them inside a bag with ice and you will see how they narrow. Another option is to put an additional template on them. Of course, there is a risk that the foot begins to rub against the shoe.

Natural remedies to relieve pain in your feet

In many cases it seems that foot pain is unavoidable. Here are some natural remedies that can relax and give you relief:

Salt water bath

The classic water bath with Epsom salts or coarse salt is still one of the best remedies to relieve foot ailments and prevent your skin from drying out and hardening. You will only have to pour half a cup of salt into a bowl of hot water and soak your feet for 20 minutes.

Chamomile infusion

Chamomile has anti-inflammatory and relaxing properties. This will help decrease foot pain quickly. To take advantage of it, you can prepare one or two liters of chamomile infusion, strain it and immerse your feet for 20 minutes. Another option is to put cloths of this infusion on the feet.

Chamomile infusion

Ginger infusion

Ginger is a root known throughout the world for its powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory action, ideal for fighting different types of ailments. By preparing an infusion of ginger you can soothe your feet in a matter of minutes and relax them for a new day.

To do this, pour a large piece of ginger root into boiling water, let it rest for 5 or 10 minutes and then dip your feet in the liquid.

Massages to say goodbye to the pain in your feet

A remedy that we could not miss to relieve the feet is the realization of relaxing massages with essential oils, olive oil, mint or lavender, for example. This practice will help you stimulate the area, relieve swelling, eliminate toxins, and reduce fluid retention.


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