If You Have Swelling, These Are The 8 Possible Causes

Since the swelling in the body can be due to different causes, if we have doubts regarding its origin, we should go to a specialist to examine us.

Do you have swelling and do not know what it may be due to? Pay attention, because it may be due to one of these eight possible causes.

1. Dehydration

Dehydration can be one of the reasons why you retain fluids. And is that when we suffer a slight dehydration, the body begins to accumulate fluids, especially in areas such as the ankles. Also, the lower abdomen tends to swell. In the same way, this study carried out by the University of the Basque Country (Spain) emphasizes the need to always stay hydrated, whether we do sports or not, to be able to perform in all our daily activities.

How to avoid it

To avoid this you should try to drink at least 8 glasses of water (2 liters), avoid alcoholic beverages and also others such as coffee or soft drinks.

2. Fluid retention

Fluid retention is one of the most common causes of leg swelling.

We often tend to retain fluids. This is usually due to excessive consumption of table salt, according to this study by the Diego Portales University (Chile). In the event that we consume too much with food, the body will begin to retain fluids and we will end up swelling considerably.

How to avoid it

This problem is something that can be easily fixed. To do this, you just have to limit your salt intake. The ideal daily dose is 5 grams or a teaspoon. Also, remember that you can choose to season food with different spices instead of adding salt.

3. Allergy

Allergy can also be one of the causes of swelling. If you notice that it is accompanied by itching and redness, then it is due to an allergy. This is stated in this study carried out by Stanford University (United States).

How to avoid it

If you see that this swelling develops quickly and the area of ​​the neck and face are affected, what you will have to do, directly, is to go to your doctor to seek help urgently. With the help of prescription antihistamines you can control the problem.

4. A hormonal imbalance

Hormonal changes can affect our fluid retention and cause bloating.

A hormonal imbalance could also be the cause of the bloating. It is another of the causes of fluid retention by the body. If you notice swelling in the abdominal area and legs and you have also gained weight, it is most likely that you have swelling due to a hormonal problem. This is suggested by this study carried out by the Regensburg University Hospital (Germany).

How to avoid it

The first thing you have to do is review the diet you have because it may not be the most appropriate. In any case, do not forget that it is advisable to  go to an endocrinologist or a gynecologist who will indicate the appropriate treatment to follow in your specific case.

5. Kidney diseases

If you feel bloated, especially in the morning and in very specific areas such as the face, you may have some type of kidney disease, as stated in this study by the Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology in Romania. Another of the symptoms that would be related to this type of disease are waist pain and changes in the color of urine.

How to avoid it

The first thing you should do is watch your diet. Try to sleep on your side if you sleep on your stomach, as this can cause puffiness on your face. If the problem persists, do not hesitate to go to the nephrologist.

6. Heart disease

Swelling can be a symptom of heart disease if it is accompanied by chest pain.

Localized swelling in areas such as the legs or abdomen can also be a sign of heart disease, according to this study by the Sichuan Agricultural University. If so, this swelling would be accompanied by considerable chest pain, tiredness and shortness of breath.

How to avoid it

You could be suffering from cardiac edema. Go to the doctor as soon as possible.

7. By taking medications

Swelling can also be the consequence of certain treatments. Among the types of drugs that cause these swelling problems are anti-inflammatory drugs, pain relievers, and oral contraceptives.

How to avoid it

If a medication makes you bloated, the best thing to do is tell your doctor about it. Maybe you can replace it with a similar one.

8. Your lifestyle could be causing you bloating

Postural statism and a sedentary lifestyle are the main causes of inflammation and swelling processes.

Sometimes many things that happen to us are simply the result of an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, if you are a person who spends a large part of the day in the same position, whether it is standing or sitting, you could experience swelling in your legs and feet.

How to avoid it

If you have a job where you have to sit, it’s best to take breaks and move around a bit. Try not to sit cross-legged, wear comfortable shoes and compression socks to avoid swelling.

Remember that any abnormal symptoms you experience in your body are worth evaluating by a medical professional. 

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