Is It Good To Sleep With Plants In The Room?

We may have ever heard that sleeping with plants is bad because they rob us of oxygen. In this sense, it is true that they breathe and release carbon dioxide at night (and the opposite occurs during the day, due to photosynthesis). But from there to that they take away the pure air to breathe … it is a long way.

Below we will reveal if it is really harmful or not to sleep with plants in the room, as well as other recommendations and interesting facts.

Do plants steal our oxygen?

Is it good to sleep with plants in the room?

It is said that sleeping with plants in the bedroom is bad, because they ‘take away’ the oxygen we need to breathe while we rest. But to analyze whether this is a myth or not, we would have to quickly review what the plant cycle is like.

During daylight hours they carry out the well-known ‘photosynthesis’. During this process the plant takes advantage of the sun’s rays and water to grow, while also reducing carbon dioxide. In this part of the cycle they release oxygen.

Quite the opposite occurs at night, when the plant does not receive sunlight or artificial light. Then it consumes some oxygen from the environment and expels carbon dioxide.

The oxygen that plants need in order not to die is really negligible in relation to that required by human beings. Therefore, it is not true that they harm health or affect sleep.

Therefore, a simple pot in the room will not drown us or take away oxygen. If not, what happens if we share the bedroom with the couple or the siblings? Would there be enough oxygen for everyone?

At NASA they have carried out an experiment in a greenhouse, where the concentration of carbon dioxide is higher than in your room with a couple of plants. Even in that place it was evident that a person did not lack oxygen when sleeping or had respiratory problems.

Decorate the bedroom with plants

And which indoor plants should you choose to decorate the room? There is no rule, but you can be guided by the following recommendations.

As a general rule we should try to choose plants that have narrow leaves, because they require less oxygen and, in addition, they do not accumulate as much dust (something very important if we are allergic). Succulents are also good options.

If the room is not very bright, it may not be a good idea to put many plants, or it will be necessary to take the precaution of moving the pots to a more illuminated area of ​​the house during the day.

It would also be good if they could spend a few hours outdoors from time to time. For example, on the balcony, patio, or even on the open window sill (very careful not to fall off).

The best species for a dimly lit room are:

  • Alocasia.
  • Calatea.
  • Cissus.
  • Asparagus.
  • Ficus Repens.

All are easy to grow and quite simple in terms of care (irrigation, fertilization, transplantation, etc.). It is better that they are placed on top of a piece of furniture or shelf.

If the room is well lit, then almost any plant can be included. But, be careful, UV rays should not hit the leaves and flowers directly because they burn.

It is also necessary to take care of the temperature of the environment (especially if it is oriented to the south or southeast). The recommended species in this case are:

  • Pilea.
  • Coleus.
  • Crásula.
  • Dracena.
  • Cípero.
  • Cordiline.
  • Cyclamen.
  • Peperomia.
  • Phalaenopsis.
  • African violet.

Most of them will be easy to maintain as long as they have good sunlight. It is recommended to put them in a pot on a piece of furniture when they are small or on the ground when they already acquire a certain size (from medium to large).

Why sleep with plants?

Is it good to sleep with flowers or plants in the room?

Sleeping with plants is not bad. On the contrary, it can contribute to relaxation. Its presence brings a natural element to the room, something that generates a certain sense of tranquility and positivity. They can also help lower stress levels significantly.

At the popular level it is considered that they help to maintain a good temperature in the environment. For example, during the summer they cool the room and in winter they keep the room warm. So, instead of air conditioning or heating, put plants!

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