Take Care Of Your Heart And Liver Thanks To Warm Water With Lemon

Despite the fact that not all health professionals and nutritionists agree on the effectiveness of the properties of warm lemon water, many people continue to turn to this drink as a natural alternative to improve their health.

While it is true that no drink or natural remedy can constitute a cure for any pathology, it can be a complement to a healthy lifestyle. On the other hand, warm lemon water can be a good way to increase your fluid intake throughout the day.

Those who do not like to drink water because they find it tasteless, resort to ‘flavored waters’ to learn to hydrate and gradually get used to drinking enough.

On the other hand, there are those who consider that this drink is an excellent way to detoxify the body, especially because of the contribution of lemon. In short, the goal of detoxifying the body is, in part, to obtain better quality blood and, therefore, better heart health.

Benefits of warm water with lemon for your liver

Lemon juice

Lemon is one of the fruits richest in vitamins and minerals, and above all, in antioxidants that promote not only the detoxification of the liver but also its regeneration.

It must be remembered that the liver is an organ with the ability to create new and healthy cells, with which, with proper treatment and proper nutrition, we could improve conditions such as fatty liver faster. For every 100 milliliters of lemon juice, you get:


  • Vitamin C: 53 mg.
  • Vitamin B1: 0.04 mg.
  • Vitamin B2: 0.02 mg.
  • Vitamin B3: 0.1 mg.
  • Vitamin B5: 0.19 mg.
  • Vitamin B6: 0.08 mg.
  • Vitamin B12: 0 mg.
  • Vitamin B9: 0.011 mg.
  • Vitamin B7: 5.1 mg.
  • Vitamin E: 0.15 mg.


  • Alpha Carotene: 1 μg.
  • Beta Carotene: 3 μg.
  • Beta Cryptoxanthin: 20 μg.
  • Lycopene: 0 μg.
  • Lutein and Zeaxanthin: 11 μg.
  • Calcium: 26 mg.
  • Iron: 0.6 mg.
  • Magnesium: 8 mg.
  • Phosphorus: 16 mg.
  • Potassium: 138 mg.
  • Sodium: 2 mg.
  • Zinc: 0.06 mg.
  • Copper: 0.037 mg.
  • Manganese: 0.03 mg.
  • Selenium: 0.0004 mg.

All these components, mixed in turn with lukewarm distilled water without sugar, will provide enzymatic benefits and an acidic quality that, on reaching an empty stomach, will alkalize the body.

1. Helps treat fatty liver

  • Warm lemon water helps prevent liver cell oxidation.
  • Regulates the absorption of sugars and fats, thus preventing the liver from having to work excessively.
  • According to a study, thanks to its high antioxidant content and the alkaline action of lemon, it will be able to purify it. In turn, it will allow you to produce new, healthy cells.
  • Lemon juice is also a natural antiseptic. Therefore, it helps to control harmful bacteria that can come with food.

    2. Helps treat liver cirrhosis

    Lemon is one of the fruits richest in vitamins and minerals, which is very suitable to complement the treatment of a liver with a marked vitamin deficiency.

    It is enough to drink, every morning, a glass of warm water with lemon to strengthen the liver. It is recommended to drink this drink for five days in a row and then rest for another five.

    3. Helps purify and eliminate gallstones

    Lemon juice is suitable for treating any problem associated with the gallbladder. It works by facilitating the drainage of the bile juices that the stones contain into the duodenum, so that they do not accumulate in this organ.

    Benefits of warm water with lemon for your heart

    Drinking a glass of warm lemon water regularly, on an empty stomach, is a simple remedy that can help improve digestion as well as prevent infections of various kinds. 

    • Helps regulate blood pressure.
    • It helps the blood to be more fluid, thus avoiding thrombi and clots.
    • Inhibits the growth and development of dangerous bacteria in the blood.
    • Provides elasticity and resistance to veins and arteries, thus avoiding arteriosclerosis.
    • It prevents fatty plaques from adhering to the arteries, thereby preventing an increase in the level of bad cholesterol or LDL.

    How should you drink warm lemon water?

    Lemon juice

    To complement your diet and improve your health, in general, you can drink a glass of warm water with lemon, on an empty stomach. In this way, citric acid is more easily converted to an alkaline agent on an empty stomach. This also means that it is better absorbed and its virtues are enhanced.

    Nutrition experts also tell us to take these aspects into account:

    • Consult your doctor about consuming this drink on an empty stomach if you are taking any type of medication.
    • Not all lemons are equally good. Take care that they are not very ripe because they will have too much sugar. Choose those grown organically that, when touched, are very tight, with firm skin.
    • Drink for 5 days in a row and rest for 5 days, before resuming it. Evaluate how you feel.

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