6 Activities That Help Your Child To Work As A Team

Teaching your child to work in a team is an extraordinary technique that will bring him great benefits in his school and adult life. With this training you will develop skills to function appropriately in society.

Today, more than ever, society is shaped to work as a team. We are a highly specialized world and we all need everyone. In addition, working in a team not only reinforces social ties, but can help improve social skills, emotional intelligence and self-esteem, as this study carried out by professionals from the César Vallejo University, Peru points out.

Ideally, these games should be targeted to teach children to see how bonding with others will help all of them overcome obstacles and gain benefits. Additionally, this type of work teaches the sense of union and empathy with the other members of the group.

Activities that help your child work as a team

There are some activities that your child can practice to develop teamwork skills. Thus, you will learn the handling of tolerance, respect or patience, among others.

1. Play a sport

Why is sport so important for children?

Soccer, baseball, basketball or volleyball, among many others, are sports in which teamwork prevails. The main basis of each of these sports is to work together for the common good. And this is evidenced by this study published in Retos. New Trends In Physical Education, Sports And Recreation .

All members must be willing to sacrifice some prominence to achieve the goal: win. Otherwise, learning to lose is always easier if we have the support of our team.

2. Distribute household chores to work as a team

Dividing up household chores is another way to teach your child to work as a team. In this case, each member of the family must carry out an activity  (sort the clothes, wash the dishes, fix the rooms or take care of the plants) to keep the home clean and tidy.

3. Propose group games

Family having fun with board games, a good option to learn to work as a team.

It is important that you take advantage of a few days to motivate your child to play with other children in the area where you live. You can invite them to your house and propose ideas where they organize themselves in small groups and compete in healthy harmony.

Board games are ideal to enjoy at home. However, you can also use resources such as the internet to locate the activities that best suit the age of the participants.

4. Participate in artistic groups

Enrolling your child in a musical or dance group is another option to motivate him to work as a team. In addition, as this work carried out by researchers from the Technical University of the North points out, belonging to this type of organization will give you socialization tools to function openly in other environments. Specifically, the members of this type of group work for a common goal.

5. Theatrical performances

The performing arts classes deserve a special mention. In these activities, the child gains skills to handle stage fright, correct diction and even public speaking. As in sports, in theater the best results are obtained with the union of all the participants while supporting each other.

6. Carry out technological activities

Children sharing.

With the constant technological updates, children and adolescents become interested and form alliances to share in group games. Every day there are more interactive games that motivate teamwork.

In general, in these cases the partners do not see or know each other personally. Even so, bonds of union and solidarity are created through game consoles and other technology tools.

Rules that children should know to work in a team

Young children are often selfish. You have to make them understand that, when working as a team, none of the members is the center of attention. For this reason, all participants are equally important within the group.

Here are some rules that you should explain to children when working in a team:

  • It is essential to indicate to each participant what their task is and the relevance of the work they perform. This ensures that competitors understand the instructions given.
  • Communicating effectively between participants is important so that rivalries do not arise.
  • The commitment to achieve the common goal is a feeling that each member of the team should have, since the goal of the whole group is to reach a result regardless of the particular objectives.

Finally, the best way to teach your child to work as a team is to play. In this way, you can create new friendships that have common interests. It is advisable to practice activities in which the objective is the victory of the whole group and not of a single person. This will help you to interact harmoniously with other people.

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