Green Coffee To Reduce Weight

In addition to prolonging the feeling of satiety and reducing anxiety about food, thanks to its components, green coffee has a draining effect that prevents fluid retention.

According to various research, green coffee (unroasted) can help us lose weight. This is due to its magnificent satiating, diuretic, and fat-burning properties. However, it is not a magic solution, but we must complement it with a good diet and exercise.

We are going to show you what are the benefits of green coffee and why you should introduce it into your regular diet. It is a grain capable of improving health.

Green coffee, just a fad?

Every season we find a new recipe to lose weight. At the time it was bean sprouts, then green tea and now they tell us that green coffee is the best option to lose weight.

Regardless of whether it is a new discovery in science or that until now no one had realized the capabilities of this infusion, the truth is that it has great antioxidant powers and this makes it an ally to remove the extra kilos. In addition, it has been shown that the contribution of antioxidants manages to exert beneficial effects on health, preventing the development of complex pathologies.

Green coffee is not a laboratory invention, but the same bean that we use to drink with one big difference: it has not undergone any roasting or roasting process. In other words, it is a more natural and nutritious product.

Unlike what can happen with coffee and its stimulating components, in this case we have an antioxidant grain available, which allows us to modulate the rate of absorption of sugar in the blood.

The person in charge of these benefits is chlorogenic acid. It prolongs the feeling of satiety and avoids the anxiety of eating  at any time of the day. In vitro studies confirm that this substance has the ability to stimulate lipid oxidation.

Why doesn’t roast coffee have these capabilities? Because this polyphenol is sensitive to high temperatures and is lost with the roasting process.

This acid, in turn, has a draining effect that promotes blood circulation, the expulsion of fluids (perfect for those who suffer retention or gout) and eliminates cellulite.

Other nutrients in green coffee are:

  • Vitamin B.
  • Minerals
  • Polyphenols.
  • Antioxidants
  • Tantic acid.
  • Ferulic acid.

How is green coffee consumed?

Although in naturopathic houses they sell capsules with green coffee extract, it is always better to choose the beans because they are the most natural way to take advantage of their benefits.

Nutritionists recommend consuming a maximum of two cups a day. The first intake should be done on an empty stomach (to burn fat) and the second before lunch (to fill the stomach and eat less solids).


It is not advisable to drink green coffee at night. It is necessary to remember that, as much as the color makes us think that it is healthier, it also has caffeine (in a small amount). This can cause disturbances in the sleep cycle and even difficulty sleeping.

However, caffeine itself is also capable of stimulating weight loss, according to a study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

To prepare green coffee you can choose two ways:

  • Grinding the grains: A grinder or a food processor such as the Thermomix is ​​used.
  • Making an infusion with the whole grain: It is simpler, because it does not require too much effort.


  • Green coffee beans (50 g).
  • Water (350 ml).


  1. Place the coffee and water in a saucepan.
  2. Heat until it comes to a boil.
  3. Reduce the heat to a minimum and cook 15 more minutes.
  4. Remove and let it cool.
  5. Filter and sweeten as you like (for example, with honey or stevia for a lower calorie intake).
  6. You can drink it hot or cold.



  • Since you are choosing a more natural way to drink coffee, you can mix it with almond milk.
  • For hot summer days add some lemon wedges and ice cubes and drink like juice.

How to add green coffee to my diet?

If you have started a healthy eating plan because you want to lose weight, you can incorporate green coffee to improve results. Although some indicate that it helps to reduce 1 kg per day that is not healthy at all.

Therefore, we advise you to follow a balanced regimen and not expect miraculous results. Think better of feeling good.

Green coffee has the ability to dissolve fats. But we have to help you deliver those benefits to us. With a good amount of water a day (drink 2 liters, at least) and with moderate exercise you will increase the results.

More benefits and contraindications of green coffee

  • In addition to helping us lose weight, this infusion acts positively on the way the body absorbs and uses carbohydrates.
  • It is recommended for people with diabetes and can improve the health of blood vessels in patients with heart problems.
  • It also helps balance blood pressure.

As for the side effects that green coffee can have on consumers, we could indicate that they are almost non-existent.

The main problem with this infusion is that it contains caffeine and that can cause changes in the nervous system:

  • Anxiety.
  • Stress.
  • Insomnia.
  • Palpitations
  • Euphoria.

Some people may experience diarrhea. It should not be consumed by pregnant or breastfeeding women. It is also not recommended in children.

Green coffee, a healthy product

Green coffee is worth starting out as a dietary supplement, but not as a weight loss lifesaver. In this way the process will be more harmonious and we will achieve lasting and, above all, healthy results.

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