Do You Often Suffer From Stiff Neck? It Could Be Due To An Emotional Problem

Did you know that stress and not expressing our feelings can lead to torticollis? Practice stretching and relaxation techniques to avoid it

Torticollis is a condition associated with jerky movement or poor posture, in which the neck muscles become rigid and do not allow the head to turn to one side.

Etymologically, the term torticollis comes from French and means “pain in the neck muscles.” It is defined as a prolonged contraction of the cervical muscles, which cause an inclination of the neck, in addition to intense pain and loss of joint mobility.

Suffering from this disorder decreases the quality of life of the person, since in most cases it prevents normal movement of the body and can even take days to recover.

What are the symptoms of torticollis?

Detecting a torticollis is very simple for patients and doctors, since its symptoms are obvious. These include:

  • Cervical pain.
  • Limited movement in the neck area.
  • Headaches
  • Stiffness of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.
  • Abnormal head posture

    Torticollis and emotions


    At a general level, two causes of this condition are known:

    • Hereditary:  When the patient has a family history.
    • Acquired:  As a product of a muscle injury derived from poor posture or sudden movement.

    However, for a short time it has been recognized that there could be a relationship between certain emotions and the appearance of this condition.  When a person has difficulty expressing their negative feelings, they are repressing them and creating emotional stress that can manifest itself in multiple ways, both emotionally and physically.

    By causing muscle tension, the neck is one of the parts most affected by losing its flexibility and movement. For this reason, for some time it has been emphasized that patients express everything they feel through dialogue. The reason is because accumulation can be harmful to the whole body.

    How to prevent torticollis?

    Taking into account that this pathology is mainly caused by poor posture , it is advisable to take special care in those situations that may cause it. For example, when sitting for a long time, using high pillows at bedtime, or making sudden movements.

    It is also important to avoid stressful and tense situations such as those caused by overwork, family arguments or relationship problems, among others.

    Putting into practice some relaxation technique and stretching exercises in the cervical area significantly reduces the danger in patients prone to suffering from it.

    What to do if I already have stiff neck?

    The general treatment of torticollis is based on the realization of localized massages and the consumption of muscle painkillers. If it occurs in a chronic degree, immediate medical attention is required to give it adequate treatment. In milder cases, the following recommendations can be taken into account:

    Against inflammation


    If the neck is swollen and there are no other means to relieve pain, you can apply ice with light massages. This is done only as a last resort, as it can make muscle contracture worse. Do it as follows:

    • First wrap several ice cubes in a cloth or towel.
    • Wait for it to moisten a little.
    • Rub it on the affected area to decrease inflammation.
    • Make the exposure only for a short time


    Drugs such as aspirin or ibuprofen can help reduce inflammation and pain. However, it is important to take them under medical supervision,  since in some people it could have side effects.

    Improve posture

    When torticollis attacks, the movement of the neck and shoulders should be limited as much as possible so as not to suffer from sudden movements. If you spend all day in front of a computer, the ideal is to keep your back straight and the monitor at eye level.

    Rosemary infusion


    This spice used to enhance the flavor and aroma of dishes also has an anti-inflammatory action. This quality can also be used in the treatment of torticollis. Prepare a cup of rosemary infusion and consume it to loosen the nervous muscles of the neck. This way you can reduce inflammation and calm pain. You can also make a poultice by applying it directly to the painful area.

    Go to the physiotherapist

    If the pain caused by torticollis persists despite the passage of days and treatments, it is best to go to a physiotherapist to receive a suitable massage that effectively reduces pain.

    As you can see, there are many treatments for neck pain. The general prevention recommendation is to adopt the appropriate resting and working postures, to avoid overloading the neck muscles. Do not hesitate to consult a therapist to help you improve your postural habits.

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