9 Foods You Can Eat At Night To Have A Flat Stomach

If you want to have a flat stomach, the first thing to keep in mind is that the body rewards two things: consistency and consistency. Therefore, to achieve your goal you must maintain a whole set of good lifestyle habits and not just a restrictive diet, for example.

In fact, it is considered that in addition to a consistent diet, the three basic guidelines to achieve weight loss in a healthy way are daily physical exercise, perseverance and patience.

To help you with the diet part, below we will tell you what are the foods that you can eat at night, within a balanced diet, to achieve a flatter abdomen.

1. Green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables (chard, spinach, kale, lamb’s lettuce, arugula, etc.) are a good option to supplement the diet, and not only because they contain iron, but because they contain several bioactives and essential nutrients.

It is interesting to know that according to a study published recently in the journal Neurology, green leafy vegetables can contribute to brain health. Specifically, because they reduce the risk of having premature cognitive decline.

Also, don’t forget that green leafy vegetables are a good source of fiber. Therefore, they not only help to achieve a flatter stomach, but also to enjoy good health in general.

You can include them in your dinners in different ways to get a nutritious, satiating and light dish, suitable for both getting a flat stomach and a good night’s rest.

To do this, you can steam them and accompany them with a mixture of nuts and a piece of fruit (apple or pear) for example.

2. Olive oil, the best to achieve a flat stomach

The best and worst cooking oils for your health

Do not do without olive oil or fear consuming it daily (in moderation, within a balanced diet) to achieve a flat stomach.

The fatty acids in extra virgin olive oil, such as oleic acid, can promote the breakdown of the most resistant fats in the body, especially those in the abdomen.

Then, dress your salads with a touch of olive oil (of the presentation of your preference). Your health and your silhouette will thank you.

3. Oats

The so-called ‘queen of cereals’ is also a good option to make a light dinner. It can be prepared in different ways, with different ingredients, and the result is delicious.

Due to its fiber content, it not only helps to satisfy the appetite, but also to promote good intestinal transit, which is essential to achieve a flat stomach. 

4. Kelp seaweed

Kelp or kelp

Kelp seaweed is another option for a light dinner. They stand out for their contribution of iodine and fiber, although other essential nutrients can be found in their composition, in smaller quantities.

According to beliefs, the consumption of these algae could help  regulate the metabolic rate, that is, the speed at which an organism uses available energy.

5. Asparagus

According to experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation, asparagus are foods that provide a certain amount of protein, vitamins C and E, folates, lignans and flavonoids. In addition, they have a diuretic effect, which helps combat fluid retention and achieve a flat stomach.

6. Cucumbers

Although cucumber salads are common in weight loss diets, since they are refreshing, light and very easy to prepare, there are other options to take advantage of this food.

If you want to enjoy a delicious dinner, you can prepare a cold cream of Greek yogurt and cucumber. And as a side, you can choose a piece of fruit that you like. This is a joy to strive for a flat stomach, right?

7. Watermelon, melon, pineapple

Fruits are good options for dinner because in addition to providing various vitamins and minerals, they provide fiber, which helps to achieve a flat stomach. Among the most recommended are those that contain a high water content, such as melon, watermelon and pineapple.

All are recommended, but should be consumed about two or three hours before going to bed, since its high water content has a diuretic effect. So if you don’t want to get up several times at night to urinate, consume them early and in moderate amounts.

8. Tomatoes

Tomatoes are foods that can help you get a flat stomach.

Tomatoes are a light food that can also be integrated into dinners in various ways. A delicious option is in the form of gazpacho or soup, whichever is preferred.

According to FEN experts, tomato is a source of protein, carotenoids and vitamin C. In addition, it contains  antioxidants, the main one being lycopene, which gives tomato its red color.

9. Artichokes

Stuffed artichokes in the oven.

Artichokes could not be missing from the list of foods that can help you get a flat stomach at dinner. Mainly because they are very light, contain fiber and allow various types of preparation.

According to FEN experts, artichokes can provide a certain amount of protein, fiber, phosphorus, potassium, sterols and cynarin.

Light dinner, but without giving up the good taste

As you can see, there are several foods that you can enjoy at night with ease, while trying to achieve a flat stomach. The key is to find the different healthy recipes and try them.

Of course, in order to achieve a flat stomach, you will not only have to eat healthy at night, but also maintain a series of good lifestyle habits. Also, don’t forget to exercise daily.

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